Iron in PDB 8rwy: Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Iron Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Iron atom in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans (pdb code 8rwy). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atom.
In total 6 binding sites of Iron where determined in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans, PDB code: 8rwy:
Jump to Iron binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6;

Iron binding site 1 out of 6 in 8rwy

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Iron binding site 1 out of 6 in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 1 of Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE A:HEM401 0.0 98.7 1.0
NC A:HEM401 2.0 98.7 1.0
ND A:HEM401 2.0 98.7 1.0
NB A:HEM401 2.0 98.7 1.0
NA A:HEM401 2.0 98.7 1.0
NE2 A:HIS225 2.1 91.9 1.0
CE1 A:HIS225 2.7 91.9 1.0
C1B A:HEM401 3.0 98.7 1.0
C1D A:HEM401 3.0 98.7 1.0
C4D A:HEM401 3.0 98.7 1.0
C4C A:HEM401 3.0 98.7 1.0
C4A A:HEM401 3.0 98.7 1.0
C1C A:HEM401 3.0 98.7 1.0
C4B A:HEM401 3.1 98.7 1.0
C1A A:HEM401 3.1 98.7 1.0
CD2 A:HIS225 3.3 91.9 1.0
CHB A:HEM401 3.4 98.7 1.0
CHD A:HEM401 3.4 98.7 1.0
CHA A:HEM401 3.4 98.7 1.0
CHC A:HEM401 3.4 98.7 1.0
ND1 A:HIS225 4.0 91.9 1.0
C3D A:HEM401 4.2 98.7 1.0
C2D A:HEM401 4.2 98.7 1.0
CG A:HIS225 4.3 91.9 1.0
C2B A:HEM401 4.3 98.7 1.0
C3A A:HEM401 4.3 98.7 1.0
C2C A:HEM401 4.3 98.7 1.0
C3C A:HEM401 4.3 98.7 1.0
C3B A:HEM401 4.3 98.7 1.0
C2A A:HEM401 4.3 98.7 1.0
NH1 A:ARG243 4.4 94.1 1.0
CD A:ARG243 4.6 94.1 1.0
ND2 A:ASN245 4.7 99.0 1.0
CZ A:ARG243 4.9 94.1 1.0
NE A:ARG243 4.9 94.1 1.0
CG2 A:THR229 5.0 96.6 1.0

Iron binding site 2 out of 6 in 8rwy

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Iron binding site 2 out of 6 in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 2 of Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE B:HEM401 0.0 97.2 1.0
NC B:HEM401 2.0 97.2 1.0
NA B:HEM401 2.0 97.2 1.0
ND B:HEM401 2.0 97.2 1.0
NB B:HEM401 2.0 97.2 1.0
NE2 B:HIS225 2.1 91.9 1.0
CE1 B:HIS225 2.9 91.9 1.0
C1D B:HEM401 3.0 97.2 1.0
C1B B:HEM401 3.0 97.2 1.0
C4D B:HEM401 3.0 97.2 1.0
C4C B:HEM401 3.0 97.2 1.0
C4A B:HEM401 3.0 97.2 1.0
C1C B:HEM401 3.0 97.2 1.0
C1A B:HEM401 3.1 97.2 1.0
C4B B:HEM401 3.1 97.2 1.0
CD2 B:HIS225 3.2 91.9 1.0
CHB B:HEM401 3.4 97.2 1.0
CHD B:HEM401 3.4 97.2 1.0
CHA B:HEM401 3.4 97.2 1.0
CHC B:HEM401 3.4 97.2 1.0
ND1 B:HIS225 4.1 91.9 1.0
C2D B:HEM401 4.2 97.2 1.0
NE B:ARG243 4.2 95.0 1.0
C3D B:HEM401 4.2 97.2 1.0
CG B:HIS225 4.2 91.9 1.0
C2B B:HEM401 4.3 97.2 1.0
C3A B:HEM401 4.3 97.2 1.0
C2C B:HEM401 4.3 97.2 1.0
C3C B:HEM401 4.3 97.2 1.0
C3B B:HEM401 4.3 97.2 1.0
C2A B:HEM401 4.3 97.2 1.0
ND2 B:ASN245 4.7 98.8 1.0
CD B:ARG243 4.7 95.0 1.0
CZ B:ARG243 4.8 95.0 1.0
NH2 B:ARG243 4.9 95.0 1.0
CG2 B:THR229 5.0 97.9 1.0

Iron binding site 3 out of 6 in 8rwy

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Iron binding site 3 out of 6 in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 3 of Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE C:HEM401 0.0 96.2 1.0
NC C:HEM401 2.0 96.2 1.0
NB C:HEM401 2.0 96.2 1.0
ND C:HEM401 2.0 96.2 1.0
NA C:HEM401 2.0 96.2 1.0
NE2 C:HIS225 2.1 89.3 1.0
CE1 C:HIS225 2.7 89.3 1.0
C4D C:HEM401 3.0 96.2 1.0
C1D C:HEM401 3.0 96.2 1.0
C4B C:HEM401 3.0 96.2 1.0
C1C C:HEM401 3.0 96.2 1.0
C1A C:HEM401 3.1 96.2 1.0
C4C C:HEM401 3.1 96.2 1.0
C1B C:HEM401 3.1 96.2 1.0
C4A C:HEM401 3.1 96.2 1.0
CD2 C:HIS225 3.3 89.3 1.0
CHC C:HEM401 3.4 96.2 1.0
CHA C:HEM401 3.4 96.2 1.0
CHD C:HEM401 3.4 96.2 1.0
CHB C:HEM401 3.4 96.2 1.0
ND1 C:HIS225 3.9 89.3 1.0
NE C:ARG243 4.1 95.7 1.0
C2D C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
C3D C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
CG C:HIS225 4.3 89.3 1.0
C2C C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
C2A C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
C3A C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
C3B C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
C2B C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
C3C C:HEM401 4.3 96.2 1.0
CD C:ARG243 4.3 95.7 1.0
ND2 C:ASN245 4.5 99.5 1.0

Iron binding site 4 out of 6 in 8rwy

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Iron binding site 4 out of 6 in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 4 of Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE D:HEM401 0.0 97.4 1.0
NC D:HEM401 2.0 97.4 1.0
NA D:HEM401 2.0 97.4 1.0
ND D:HEM401 2.0 97.4 1.0
NB D:HEM401 2.0 97.4 1.0
NE2 D:HIS225 2.1 90.9 1.0
CE1 D:HIS225 2.7 90.9 1.0
C1D D:HEM401 3.0 97.4 1.0
C1B D:HEM401 3.0 97.4 1.0
C4A D:HEM401 3.0 97.4 1.0
C4C D:HEM401 3.0 97.4 1.0
C1C D:HEM401 3.0 97.4 1.0
C4D D:HEM401 3.1 97.4 1.0
C1A D:HEM401 3.1 97.4 1.0
C4B D:HEM401 3.1 97.4 1.0
CD2 D:HIS225 3.3 90.9 1.0
CHB D:HEM401 3.4 97.4 1.0
CHD D:HEM401 3.4 97.4 1.0
CHC D:HEM401 3.4 97.4 1.0
CHA D:HEM401 3.4 97.4 1.0
ND1 D:HIS225 3.9 90.9 1.0
NE D:ARG243 4.1 96.5 1.0
C2D D:HEM401 4.2 97.4 1.0
C3D D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
CG D:HIS225 4.3 90.9 1.0
C2B D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
C3A D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
C2A D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
C2C D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
C3C D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
C3B D:HEM401 4.3 97.4 1.0
ND2 D:ASN245 4.4 97.5 1.0
CD D:ARG243 4.5 96.5 1.0
CZ D:ARG243 4.9 96.5 1.0

Iron binding site 5 out of 6 in 8rwy

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Iron binding site 5 out of 6 in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 5 of Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE E:HEM401 0.0 95.2 1.0
NC E:HEM401 2.0 95.2 1.0
NA E:HEM401 2.0 95.2 1.0
NB E:HEM401 2.0 95.2 1.0
ND E:HEM401 2.0 95.2 1.0
NE2 E:HIS225 2.1 89.5 1.0
CE1 E:HIS225 2.8 89.5 1.0
C1D E:HEM401 3.0 95.2 1.0
C4A E:HEM401 3.0 95.2 1.0
C4C E:HEM401 3.0 95.2 1.0
C1B E:HEM401 3.0 95.2 1.0
C1C E:HEM401 3.1 95.2 1.0
C1A E:HEM401 3.1 95.2 1.0
C4D E:HEM401 3.1 95.2 1.0
C4B E:HEM401 3.1 95.2 1.0
CD2 E:HIS225 3.2 89.5 1.0
CHB E:HEM401 3.4 95.2 1.0
CHD E:HEM401 3.4 95.2 1.0
CHC E:HEM401 3.4 95.2 1.0
CHA E:HEM401 3.4 95.2 1.0
ND1 E:HIS225 4.0 89.5 1.0
NE E:ARG243 4.1 95.8 1.0
CG E:HIS225 4.2 89.5 1.0
C2D E:HEM401 4.2 95.2 1.0
C3D E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
C3A E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
C2B E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
C2A E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
C3C E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
C2C E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
C3B E:HEM401 4.3 95.2 1.0
CD E:ARG243 4.5 95.8 1.0
ND2 E:ASN245 4.5 98.4 1.0

Iron binding site 6 out of 6 in 8rwy

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Iron binding site 6 out of 6 in the Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 6 of Dtpb Hexamer From Streptomyces Lividans within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE F:HEM401 0.0 94.8 1.0
NC F:HEM401 2.0 94.8 1.0
NA F:HEM401 2.0 94.8 1.0
ND F:HEM401 2.0 94.8 1.0
NB F:HEM401 2.0 94.8 1.0
NE2 F:HIS225 2.1 88.0 1.0
CE1 F:HIS225 2.7 88.0 1.0
C1B F:HEM401 3.0 94.8 1.0
C1D F:HEM401 3.0 94.8 1.0
C4C F:HEM401 3.0 94.8 1.0
C4A F:HEM401 3.0 94.8 1.0
C1C F:HEM401 3.0 94.8 1.0
C4D F:HEM401 3.0 94.8 1.0
C1A F:HEM401 3.1 94.8 1.0
C4B F:HEM401 3.1 94.8 1.0
CD2 F:HIS225 3.3 88.0 1.0
CHB F:HEM401 3.4 94.8 1.0
CHD F:HEM401 3.4 94.8 1.0
CHC F:HEM401 3.4 94.8 1.0
CHA F:HEM401 3.4 94.8 1.0
NH1 F:ARG243 3.7 91.7 1.0
ND1 F:HIS225 4.0 88.0 1.0
C2D F:HEM401 4.2 94.8 1.0
C2B F:HEM401 4.2 94.8 1.0
C3D F:HEM401 4.2 94.8 1.0
C3A F:HEM401 4.3 94.8 1.0
C2C F:HEM401 4.3 94.8 1.0
C3B F:HEM401 4.3 94.8 1.0
C3C F:HEM401 4.3 94.8 1.0
CG F:HIS225 4.3 88.0 1.0
C2A F:HEM401 4.3 94.8 1.0
ND2 F:ASN245 4.6 95.0 1.0
CD F:ARG243 4.7 91.7 1.0
CZ F:ARG243 4.8 91.7 1.0


M.Lucic, T.Allport, T.A.Clarke, L.J.Williams, M.T.Wilson, A.K.Chaplin, J.A.R.Worrall. The Oligomeric States of Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidases From Streptomyces Lividans and Their Implications For Mechanism of Substrate Oxidation. Protein Sci. V. 33 E5073 2024.
ISSN: ESSN 1469-896X
PubMed: 38864770
DOI: 10.1002/PRO.5073
Page generated: Sat Aug 10 17:13:07 2024

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