Iron in PDB 8v6i: Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase

Enzymatic activity of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase

All present enzymatic activity of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase:;

Other elements in 8v6i:

The structure of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase also contains other interesting chemical elements:

Magnesium (Mg) 2 atoms
Zinc (Zn) 3 atoms

Iron Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Iron atom in the Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase (pdb code 8v6i). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atom.
In total 4 binding sites of Iron where determined in the Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase, PDB code: 8v6i:
Jump to Iron binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4;

Iron binding site 1 out of 4 in 8v6i

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Iron binding site 1 out of 4 in the Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 1 of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE1 C:SF4601 0.0 209.6 1.0
SG C:CYS373 2.3 244.9 1.0
S2 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S3 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S4 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
HB3 C:CYS373 2.7 244.9 1.0
FE4 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE3 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE2 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
CB C:CYS373 3.0 244.9 1.0
HG3 C:PRO450 3.3 261.6 1.0
HA C:CYS373 3.6 244.9 1.0
HB2 C:CYS373 3.8 244.9 1.0
S1 C:SF4601 3.9 209.6 1.0
CA C:CYS373 3.9 244.9 1.0
CG C:PRO450 4.3 261.6 1.0
HD21 C:LEU447 4.3 282.4 1.0
HD3 C:PRO450 4.3 261.6 1.0
HA C:PRO450 4.5 261.6 1.0
HB2 C:CYS390 4.6 250.9 1.0
HG C:LEU447 4.6 282.4 1.0
CD C:PRO450 4.7 261.6 1.0
HB3 C:PRO450 4.7 261.6 1.0
SG C:CYS293 4.7 301.2 1.0
HD11 C:LEU447 4.7 282.4 1.0
H C:CYS373 4.8 244.9 1.0
SG C:CYS430 4.8 277.2 1.0
N C:CYS373 4.8 244.9 1.0
SG C:CYS390 4.8 250.9 1.0
HG2 C:PRO450 4.9 261.6 1.0
N C:PRO450 4.9 261.6 1.0
HB2 C:PRO291 4.9 274.0 1.0
CB C:PRO450 4.9 261.6 1.0
HB2 C:CYS430 5.0 277.2 1.0
CA C:PRO450 5.0 261.6 1.0

Iron binding site 2 out of 4 in 8v6i

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Iron binding site 2 out of 4 in the Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 2 of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE2 C:SF4601 0.0 209.6 1.0
SG C:CYS390 2.3 250.9 1.0
S3 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S1 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S4 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
FE4 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE3 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE1 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
HB2 C:CYS390 2.9 250.9 1.0
CB C:CYS390 3.1 250.9 1.0
HA C:CYS390 3.4 250.9 1.0
HD2 C:PHE392 3.4 282.2 1.0
HD2 C:PRO391 3.7 280.8 1.0
CA C:CYS390 3.8 250.9 1.0
S2 C:SF4601 3.9 209.6 1.0
HB3 C:CYS390 4.0 250.9 1.0
HD11 C:ILE377 4.1 247.3 1.0
HB3 C:CYS373 4.1 244.9 1.0
HB3 C:CYS293 4.2 301.2 1.0
CD2 C:PHE392 4.2 282.2 1.0
H C:PHE392 4.3 282.2 1.0
HB2 C:PHE392 4.3 282.2 1.0
HB2 C:CYS430 4.4 277.2 1.0
CD C:PRO391 4.4 280.8 1.0
C C:CYS390 4.5 250.9 1.0
HE2 C:PHE392 4.6 282.2 1.0
HD3 C:PRO391 4.6 280.8 1.0
N C:PRO391 4.7 280.8 1.0
SG C:CYS293 4.7 301.2 1.0
SG C:CYS430 4.8 277.2 1.0
CE2 C:PHE392 4.9 282.2 1.0
SG C:CYS373 4.9 244.9 1.0
CB C:CYS373 4.9 244.9 1.0
HG12 C:ILE377 4.9 247.3 1.0
H C:CYS293 5.0 301.2 1.0
CB C:CYS293 5.0 301.2 1.0
N C:CYS390 5.0 250.9 1.0

Iron binding site 3 out of 4 in 8v6i

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Iron binding site 3 out of 4 in the Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 3 of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE3 C:SF4601 0.0 209.6 1.0
S2 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S1 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S4 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
SG C:CYS430 2.3 277.2 1.0
FE4 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE1 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE2 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
HB2 C:CYS430 3.1 277.2 1.0
CB C:CYS430 3.2 277.2 1.0
HE2 C:PHE392 3.5 282.2 1.0
HD21 C:LEU447 3.5 282.4 1.0
HB3 C:CYS430 3.6 277.2 1.0
HB2 C:PRO291 3.7 274.0 1.0
HD2 C:PHE392 3.8 282.2 1.0
S3 C:SF4601 3.9 209.6 1.0
HB3 C:PRO291 4.1 274.0 1.0
HD2 C:TYR453 4.2 271.9 1.0
CE2 C:PHE392 4.2 282.2 1.0
CD2 C:PHE392 4.4 282.2 1.0
CB C:PRO291 4.4 274.0 1.0
CD2 C:LEU447 4.4 282.4 1.0
HD23 C:LEU447 4.5 282.4 1.0
H C:LEU292 4.6 290.1 1.0
CA C:CYS430 4.6 277.2 1.0
HE2 C:TYR453 4.6 271.9 1.0
HA C:CYS430 4.6 277.2 1.0
H C:CYS293 4.7 301.2 1.0
SG C:CYS373 4.7 244.9 1.0
SG C:CYS390 4.7 250.9 1.0
SG C:CYS293 4.8 301.2 1.0
CD2 C:TYR453 4.8 271.9 1.0
HD2 C:PRO391 4.9 280.8 1.0
HD22 C:LEU447 5.0 282.4 1.0

Iron binding site 4 out of 4 in 8v6i

Go back to Iron Binding Sites List in 8v6i
Iron binding site 4 out of 4 in the Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 4 of Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE4 C:SF4601 0.0 209.6 1.0
SG C:CYS293 2.3 301.2 1.0
S2 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S1 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
S3 C:SF4601 2.3 209.6 1.0
FE1 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE2 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
FE3 C:SF4601 2.7 209.6 1.0
HB3 C:CYS293 3.0 301.2 1.0
HB2 C:PRO291 3.1 274.0 1.0
H C:CYS293 3.2 301.2 1.0
CB C:CYS293 3.2 301.2 1.0
HG3 C:PRO450 3.8 261.6 1.0
S4 C:SF4601 3.9 209.6 1.0
HD2 C:PRO391 3.9 280.8 1.0
HB2 C:CYS293 3.9 301.2 1.0
CB C:PRO291 3.9 274.0 1.0
N C:CYS293 4.0 301.2 1.0
HA C:CYS390 4.1 250.9 1.0
HG2 C:PRO291 4.1 274.0 1.0
HB3 C:PRO291 4.2 274.0 1.0
HB3 C:PRO450 4.2 261.6 1.0
CA C:CYS293 4.2 301.2 1.0
CG C:PRO291 4.4 274.0 1.0
HD3 C:PRO391 4.5 280.8 1.0
HG3 C:PRO291 4.5 274.0 1.0
HE2 C:MET294 4.5 297.1 1.0
HB2 C:CYS390 4.6 250.9 1.0
H C:MET294 4.6 297.1 1.0
CD C:PRO391 4.6 280.8 1.0
CG C:PRO450 4.7 261.6 1.0
H C:LEU292 4.7 290.1 1.0
SG C:CYS373 4.7 244.9 1.0
SG C:CYS390 4.7 250.9 1.0
HA C:CYS293 4.8 301.2 1.0
SG C:CYS430 4.8 277.2 1.0
N C:LEU292 4.8 290.1 1.0
CB C:PRO450 4.9 261.6 1.0
CA C:CYS390 4.9 250.9 1.0
C C:PRO291 4.9 274.0 1.0
CB C:CYS390 5.0 250.9 1.0


E.A.Mullins, L.E.Salay, C.L.Durie, N.P.Bradley, J.E.Jackman, M.D.Ohi, W.J.Chazin, B.F.Eichman. A Mechanistic Model of Primer Synthesis From Catalytic Structures of Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase To Be Published.
Page generated: Sat Aug 10 18:36:52 2024

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