Atomistry » Iron » PDB 7xdp-7y98 » 7xxf
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Iron in PDB 7xxf: Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis

Other elements in 7xxf:

The structure of Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis also contains other interesting chemical elements:

Magnesium (Mg) 36 atoms

Iron Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Iron atom in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis (pdb code 7xxf). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atom.
In total 5 binding sites of Iron where determined in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis, PDB code: 7xxf:
Jump to Iron binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5;

Iron binding site 1 out of 5 in 7xxf

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Iron binding site 1 out of 5 in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 1 of Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE C:HEC401 0.0 58.2 1.0
ND C:HEC401 1.9 47.2 1.0
NE2 C:HIS115 2.0 45.9 1.0
NA C:HEC401 2.0 46.3 1.0
NC C:HEC401 2.1 40.9 1.0
NB C:HEC401 2.1 44.0 1.0
SD C:MET98 2.1 47.9 1.0
CD2 C:HIS115 2.8 41.6 1.0
C4D C:HEC401 2.9 40.4 1.0
C1D C:HEC401 2.9 39.1 1.0
C1A C:HEC401 3.0 45.2 1.0
C4C C:HEC401 3.0 38.3 1.0
C4A C:HEC401 3.0 44.7 1.0
CE1 C:HIS115 3.1 43.5 1.0
C4B C:HEC401 3.1 42.8 1.0
C1B C:HEC401 3.1 41.9 1.0
C1C C:HEC401 3.1 40.6 1.0
CE C:MET98 3.3 40.1 1.0
CHA C:HEC401 3.3 44.3 1.0
CHD C:HEC401 3.4 37.8 1.0
CHB C:HEC401 3.5 42.0 1.0
CHC C:HEC401 3.5 41.9 1.0
CG C:MET98 3.5 39.5 1.0
CG C:HIS115 4.0 41.8 1.0
ND1 C:HIS115 4.1 41.7 1.0
C3D C:HEC401 4.1 41.3 1.0
C2D C:HEC401 4.1 39.9 1.0
C2A C:HEC401 4.2 44.4 1.0
C3A C:HEC401 4.2 46.1 1.0
C3C C:HEC401 4.3 44.4 1.0
C2C C:HEC401 4.3 41.4 1.0
C2B C:HEC401 4.3 44.9 1.0
C3B C:HEC401 4.3 44.5 1.0
CB C:MET98 4.4 37.7 1.0

Iron binding site 2 out of 5 in 7xxf

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Iron binding site 2 out of 5 in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 2 of Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE C:HEC402 0.0 45.0 1.0
ND C:HEC402 1.9 30.8 1.0
NA C:HEC402 2.0 31.0 1.0
NE2 C:HIS163 2.0 21.7 1.0
SD C:MET134 2.1 33.2 1.0
NC C:HEC402 2.1 27.2 1.0
NB C:HEC402 2.1 32.6 1.0
C4D C:HEC402 2.9 25.4 1.0
CE1 C:HIS163 2.9 23.3 1.0
C1D C:HEC402 2.9 23.8 1.0
C1A C:HEC402 3.0 25.7 1.0
C4C C:HEC402 3.0 24.4 1.0
C4A C:HEC402 3.1 28.3 1.0
C4B C:HEC402 3.1 25.5 1.0
C1B C:HEC402 3.1 26.2 1.0
C1C C:HEC402 3.1 26.2 1.0
CD2 C:HIS163 3.2 20.6 1.0
CG C:MET134 3.3 29.3 1.0
CE C:MET134 3.3 23.6 1.0
CHA C:HEC402 3.3 24.4 1.0
CHD C:HEC402 3.4 23.6 1.0
CHB C:HEC402 3.5 25.7 1.0
CHC C:HEC402 3.5 22.5 1.0
ND1 C:HIS163 4.0 24.5 1.0
CB C:MET134 4.1 23.6 1.0
C3D C:HEC402 4.1 28.2 1.0
C2D C:HEC402 4.1 27.1 1.0
C2A C:HEC402 4.2 26.7 1.0
CG C:HIS163 4.2 22.6 1.0
C3A C:HEC402 4.2 27.4 1.0
C3C C:HEC402 4.3 26.6 1.0
C2C C:HEC402 4.3 24.6 1.0
C2B C:HEC402 4.3 27.3 1.0
C3B C:HEC402 4.3 28.7 1.0

Iron binding site 3 out of 5 in 7xxf

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Iron binding site 3 out of 5 in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 3 of Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE C:HEC403 0.0 33.3 1.0
ND C:HEC403 1.9 20.2 1.0
NA C:HEC403 2.0 18.9 1.0
NE2 C:HIS260 2.0 21.9 1.0
NC C:HEC403 2.1 11.7 1.0
NB C:HEC403 2.1 18.0 1.0
SD C:MET245 2.1 20.7 1.0
C4D C:HEC403 2.9 14.6 1.0
CD2 C:HIS260 2.9 7.7 1.0
C1D C:HEC403 2.9 9.9 1.0
C1A C:HEC403 3.0 17.9 1.0
CE1 C:HIS260 3.0 4.5 1.0
C4C C:HEC403 3.0 13.6 1.0
C4A C:HEC403 3.0 12.4 1.0
C4B C:HEC403 3.1 11.2 1.0
C1B C:HEC403 3.1 16.2 1.0
C1C C:HEC403 3.1 11.6 1.0
CG C:MET245 3.3 8.0 1.0
CHA C:HEC403 3.3 12.3 1.0
CE C:MET245 3.4 11.3 1.0
CHD C:HEC403 3.4 11.3 1.0
CHB C:HEC403 3.5 9.9 1.0
CHC C:HEC403 3.5 11.3 1.0
CG C:HIS260 4.0 14.8 1.0
ND1 C:HIS260 4.0 10.8 1.0
C3D C:HEC403 4.1 18.3 1.0
C2D C:HEC403 4.1 16.9 1.0
C2A C:HEC403 4.2 17.9 1.0
CB C:MET245 4.2 11.8 1.0
C3A C:HEC403 4.2 14.2 1.0
C3C C:HEC403 4.3 17.9 1.0
C2C C:HEC403 4.3 14.2 1.0
C2B C:HEC403 4.3 13.2 1.0
C3B C:HEC403 4.3 15.0 1.0

Iron binding site 4 out of 5 in 7xxf

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Iron binding site 4 out of 5 in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 4 of Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE C:HEC404 0.0 33.4 1.0
ND C:HEC404 1.9 21.8 1.0
NA C:HEC404 2.0 22.0 1.0
NE2 C:HIS320 2.0 17.0 1.0
NE2 C:HIS148 2.0 17.2 1.0
NC C:HEC404 2.1 24.1 1.0
NB C:HEC404 2.1 21.7 1.0
CE1 C:HIS148 2.7 17.2 1.0
CE1 C:HIS320 2.8 9.6 1.0
C4D C:HEC404 2.9 17.1 1.0
C1D C:HEC404 2.9 17.0 1.0
C1A C:HEC404 3.0 11.8 1.0
C4C C:HEC404 3.0 21.8 1.0
C4A C:HEC404 3.0 19.2 1.0
C1B C:HEC404 3.1 13.2 1.0
C4B C:HEC404 3.1 13.8 1.0
CD2 C:HIS320 3.1 16.3 1.0
C1C C:HEC404 3.1 18.1 1.0
CD2 C:HIS148 3.2 17.6 1.0
CHA C:HEC404 3.3 16.2 1.0
CHD C:HEC404 3.4 17.8 1.0
CHB C:HEC404 3.5 16.1 1.0
CHC C:HEC404 3.5 17.9 1.0
ND1 C:HIS148 3.9 15.3 1.0
ND1 C:HIS320 4.0 10.5 1.0
C3D C:HEC404 4.1 22.2 1.0
C2D C:HEC404 4.1 20.2 1.0
CG C:HIS148 4.2 15.3 1.0
CG C:HIS320 4.2 16.3 1.0
C2A C:HEC404 4.2 18.6 1.0
C3A C:HEC404 4.2 19.4 1.0
C3C C:HEC404 4.3 22.3 1.0
C2C C:HEC404 4.3 21.0 1.0
C2B C:HEC404 4.3 18.0 1.0
C3B C:HEC404 4.3 18.1 1.0

Iron binding site 5 out of 5 in 7xxf

Go back to Iron Binding Sites List in 7xxf
Iron binding site 5 out of 5 in the Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 5 of Structure of Photosynthetic LH1-Rc Super-Complex of Rhodopila Globiformis within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

OE2 M:GLU234 2.0 36.1 1.0
NE2 L:HIS191 2.1 23.8 1.0
OE1 M:GLU234 2.1 40.7 1.0
NE2 M:HIS219 2.2 23.7 1.0
NE2 M:HIS266 2.2 27.4 1.0
NE2 L:HIS231 2.2 22.0 1.0
CD M:GLU234 2.3 29.5 1.0
CE1 L:HIS191 2.8 16.5 1.0
CE1 M:HIS219 3.1 15.7 1.0
CE1 L:HIS231 3.1 14.2 1.0
CE1 M:HIS266 3.1 14.6 1.0
CD2 M:HIS266 3.2 13.9 1.0
CD2 L:HIS191 3.2 17.0 1.0
CD2 M:HIS219 3.3 12.9 1.0
CD2 L:HIS231 3.3 9.7 1.0
CG M:GLU234 3.8 26.0 1.0
ND1 L:HIS191 4.0 19.6 1.0
ND1 M:HIS219 4.2 12.1 1.0
CG L:HIS191 4.2 21.5 1.0
ND1 M:HIS266 4.3 20.1 1.0
ND1 L:HIS231 4.3 24.4 1.0
CG M:HIS266 4.3 20.6 1.0
CG M:HIS219 4.4 15.5 1.0
CG L:HIS231 4.4 21.2 1.0
CG1 L:ILE195 4.4 22.5 1.0
CG2 M:VAL223 4.5 17.1 1.0
O M:HOH529 4.6 33.3 1.0
CB M:GLU234 4.7 28.6 1.0


K.Tani, R.Kanno, K.Kurosawa, S.Takaichi, K.V.P.Nagashima, M.Hall, L.J.Yu, Y.Kimura, M.T.Madigan, A.Mizoguchi, B.M.Humbel, Z.Y.Wang-Otomo. An LH1-Rc Photocomplex From An Extremophilic Phototroph Provides Insight Into Origins of Two Photosynthesis Proteins. Commun Biol V. 5 1197 2022.
ISSN: ESSN 2399-3642
PubMed: 36344631
DOI: 10.1038/S42003-022-04174-2
Page generated: Fri Aug 9 11:10:03 2024

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