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Tetramethyl ammonium ferro-heptanitroso sulphide, N(CH3)4.Fe4(NO)7S3

Tetramethyl ammonium ferro-heptanitroso sulphide, N(CH3)4.Fe4(NO)7S3, yields triclinic crystals: -

a: b: c = 0.8648: 1: 1.3125. α = 87° 29.5'. β = 106° 7'. γ = 93° 44'. Density, 2.056.

The tetra-ethyl salt is likewise triclinic, possessing the following crystallographic elements: -

a: b: c = l.0221: 1: 1.0247. α = 85° 8'. β = 97° 8'. γ = 99° 17.5'. Density, 1.883.

Heptanitroso ferro-sulphides of the following metals have also been obtained: -

Caesium, CsFe4(NO)7S3.H2O,
Rubidium, RbFe4(NO)7S3.H2O, and
Thallium, TlFe4(NO)7S3.H2O.

Of these the first-named is readily obtained by adding a solution of caesium chloride to one of sodium heptanitroso ferro-sulphide, when the caesium derivative is precipitated as an insoluble black crystalline powder. The rubidium derivative, obtained in an analogous manner, presents a similar appearance. The thallium salt is likewise difficultly soluble in water, and is obtained by double decomposition with thallium sulphate and the potassium derivative.

The hydrazine, N2H4.Fe4(NO)7S3, and the hydroxylamine, NH2OH.Fe4(NO)7S3, derivatives have been prepared.

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