Atomistry » Iron » PDB 8xr6-9bcj » 8z11
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Iron in PDB 8z11: Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Enzymatic activity of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

All present enzymatic activity of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I:;

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Magnesium (Mg) 342 atoms

Iron Binding Sites:


>>> Page 1 <<< Page 2, Binding sites: 11 - 12;

Binding sites:

The binding sites of Iron atom in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I (pdb code 8z11). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atom.
In total 12 binding sites of Iron where determined in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I, PDB code: 8z11:
Jump to Iron binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10;

Iron binding site 1 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 1 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 1 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE1 a:SF4847 0.0 32.4 1.0
S3 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S4 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S2 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
FE3 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE4 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE2 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
SG b:CYS568 3.1 30.8 1.0
S1 a:SF4847 3.9 32.4 1.0
CZ3 b:TRP667 3.9 27.2 1.0
CD1 a:ILE721 4.0 28.2 1.0
CB b:CYS568 4.1 30.8 1.0
CE3 b:TRP667 4.5 27.2 1.0
SG a:CYS575 4.5 28.5 1.0
NH2 a:ARG725 4.5 27.0 1.0
CG2 a:ILE721 4.6 28.2 1.0
CA b:CYS568 4.6 30.8 1.0
CG1 a:ILE721 4.8 28.2 1.0
CH2 b:TRP667 4.9 27.2 1.0
CB a:CYS575 4.9 28.5 1.0
N b:CYS568 4.9 30.8 1.0

Iron binding site 2 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 2 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 2 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE2 a:SF4847 0.0 32.4 1.0
S1 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S4 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S3 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
FE3 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE1 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE4 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
SG a:CYS575 3.1 28.5 1.0
CB a:CYS575 3.3 28.5 1.0
S2 a:SF4847 3.9 32.4 1.0
SG a:CYS584 4.2 28.1 1.0
O a:GLY577 4.5 28.9 1.0
CA a:CYS584 4.6 28.1 1.0
SG b:CYS559 4.6 30.7 1.0
C a:GLY577 4.6 28.9 1.0
CB a:CYS584 4.7 28.1 1.0
CA a:CYS575 4.8 28.5 1.0
N a:GLY577 4.9 28.9 1.0
N a:CYS584 4.9 28.1 1.0
CA a:GLY577 4.9 28.9 1.0

Iron binding site 3 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 3 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 3 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE3 a:SF4847 0.0 32.4 1.0
S2 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S1 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S4 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
FE4 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE1 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE2 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
CB b:CYS559 3.0 30.7 1.0
SG b:CYS559 3.1 30.7 1.0
S3 a:SF4847 3.9 32.4 1.0
CA b:CYS559 4.5 30.7 1.0
CA b:CYS568 4.5 30.8 1.0
SG b:CYS568 4.6 30.8 1.0
O b:THR567 4.7 31.0 1.0
O b:PRO558 4.7 30.4 1.0
CB b:CYS568 4.8 30.8 1.0
N b:CYS568 4.9 30.8 1.0
N b:CYS559 4.9 30.7 1.0
C b:PRO558 4.9 30.4 1.0
NH2 b:ARG706 4.9 28.9 1.0
C b:THR567 5.0 31.0 1.0

Iron binding site 4 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 4 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 4 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE4 a:SF4847 0.0 32.4 1.0
S2 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S3 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
S1 a:SF4847 2.3 32.4 1.0
FE3 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE1 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
FE2 a:SF4847 2.7 32.4 1.0
SG a:CYS584 3.0 28.1 1.0
CE3 b:TRP667 3.7 27.2 1.0
CB a:CYS584 3.7 28.1 1.0
CZ3 b:TRP667 3.8 27.2 1.0
S4 a:SF4847 3.9 32.4 1.0
CA a:CYS584 4.5 28.1 1.0
CG1 b:ILE702 4.6 29.1 1.0
CD2 b:TRP667 4.7 27.2 1.0
CD1 b:ILE702 4.7 29.1 1.0
NH2 b:ARG706 4.7 28.9 1.0
CG2 b:ILE702 4.7 29.1 1.0
CH2 b:TRP667 4.9 27.2 1.0

Iron binding site 5 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 5 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 5 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE1 c:SF4101 0.0 39.5 1.0
S2 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S3 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S4 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
FE3 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE2 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE4 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
SG c:CYS17 3.1 35.5 1.0
SG c:CYS14 3.8 37.9 1.0
CB c:CYS17 3.8 35.5 1.0
S1 c:SF4101 3.9 39.5 1.0
N c:CYS17 4.0 35.5 1.0
N c:THR15 4.2 37.0 1.0
CB c:ALA40 4.2 37.0 1.0
N c:GLN16 4.4 36.2 1.0
N c:CYS14 4.5 37.9 1.0
CA c:CYS17 4.6 35.5 1.0
CA c:THR15 4.6 37.0 1.0
C c:THR15 4.8 37.0 1.0
C c:CYS14 4.8 37.9 1.0
SG c:CYS11 4.8 40.0 1.0
CB c:CYS14 4.9 37.9 1.0

Iron binding site 6 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 6 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 6 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE2 c:SF4101 0.0 39.5 1.0
S4 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S3 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S1 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
FE3 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE1 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE4 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
SG c:CYS58 3.1 36.5 1.0
CB c:CYS58 3.6 36.5 1.0
S2 c:SF4101 3.9 39.5 1.0
CA c:CYS58 3.9 36.5 1.0
CG1 c:VAL65 4.0 34.6 1.0
CB c:SER64 4.3 37.3 1.0
N c:VAL65 4.3 34.6 1.0
CD c:PRO59 4.4 38.0 1.0
CB c:VAL65 4.4 34.6 1.0
CB c:CYS17 4.5 35.5 1.0
SG c:CYS14 4.6 37.9 1.0
SG c:CYS17 4.7 35.5 1.0
OG c:SER64 4.9 37.3 1.0
C c:CYS58 4.9 36.5 1.0
OG1 c:THR60 4.9 40.4 1.0
N c:CYS58 5.0 36.5 1.0
N c:PRO59 5.0 38.0 1.0
N c:SER64 5.0 37.3 1.0

Iron binding site 7 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 7 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 7 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE3 c:SF4101 0.0 39.5 1.0
S1 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S4 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S2 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
FE2 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE4 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE1 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
SG c:CYS11 3.1 40.0 1.0
CB c:CYS11 3.2 40.0 1.0
CA c:CYS11 3.4 40.0 1.0
N c:ILE12 3.7 40.6 1.0
S3 c:SF4101 3.9 39.5 1.0
CB c:SER64 4.0 37.3 1.0
C c:CYS11 4.2 40.0 1.0
N c:GLY13 4.3 39.7 1.0
OG c:SER64 4.4 37.3 1.0
N c:CYS11 4.6 40.0 1.0
CG1 c:ILE12 4.8 40.6 1.0
N c:CYS14 4.9 37.9 1.0
CA c:ILE12 4.9 40.6 1.0
C c:ILE12 4.9 40.6 1.0
SG c:CYS14 4.9 37.9 1.0
CB c:ALA40 5.0 37.0 1.0

Iron binding site 8 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 8 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 8 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE4 c:SF4101 0.0 39.5 1.0
S1 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S2 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
S3 c:SF4101 2.3 39.5 1.0
SG c:CYS14 2.4 37.9 1.0
FE3 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE1 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
FE2 c:SF4101 2.7 39.5 1.0
CB c:CYS14 3.3 37.9 1.0
CD c:PRO59 3.5 38.0 1.0
N c:CYS14 3.8 37.9 1.0
S4 c:SF4101 3.9 39.5 1.0
CG1 c:ILE12 4.0 40.6 1.0
CA c:CYS14 4.1 37.9 1.0
CG c:PRO59 4.3 38.0 1.0
CD1 c:ILE12 4.5 40.6 1.0
C c:CYS14 4.6 37.9 1.0
N c:THR15 4.7 37.0 1.0
N c:ILE12 4.7 40.6 1.0
N c:GLY13 4.8 39.7 1.0
N c:PRO59 4.8 38.0 1.0
SG c:CYS58 4.8 36.5 1.0
C c:GLY13 4.9 39.7 1.0
CA c:CYS58 4.9 36.5 1.0
N c:GLN16 5.0 36.2 1.0

Iron binding site 9 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 9 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 9 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE1 c:SF4102 0.0 33.1 1.0
S3 c:SF4102 2.3 33.1 1.0
S4 c:SF4102 2.3 33.1 1.0
S2 c:SF4102 2.3 33.1 1.0
FE2 c:SF4102 2.7 33.1 1.0
FE4 c:SF4102 2.7 33.1 1.0
FE3 c:SF4102 2.7 33.1 1.0
SG c:CYS21 3.0 34.1 1.0
CD c:PRO22 3.4 33.2 1.0
CA c:CYS21 3.6 34.1 1.0
CB c:CYS21 3.7 34.1 1.0
S1 c:SF4102 3.9 33.1 1.0
N c:PRO22 4.1 33.2 1.0
C c:CYS21 4.3 34.1 1.0
CB c:VAL25 4.6 33.8 1.0
CG c:PRO22 4.6 33.2 1.0
CG2 c:VAL25 4.7 33.8 1.0
N c:CYS23 4.7 34.3 1.0
N c:CYS21 4.8 34.1 1.0
CD1 c:LEU26 4.9 33.9 1.0

Iron binding site 10 out of 12 in 8z11

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Iron binding site 10 out of 12 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Iron with other atoms in the Fe binding site number 10 of Cryo-Em Structure of Haptophyte Photosystem I within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

FE2 c:SF4102 0.0 33.1 1.0
S4 c:SF4102 2.3 33.1 1.0
S3 c:SF4102 2.3 33.1 1.0
S1 c:SF4102 2.3 33.1 1.0
FE1 c:SF4102 2.7 33.1 1.0
FE4 c:SF4102 2.7 33.1 1.0
FE3 c:SF4102 2.7 33.1 1.0
SG c:CYS48 3.1 32.5 1.0
CB c:CYS48 3.6 32.5 1.0
S2 c:SF4102 3.9 33.1 1.0
CA c:CYS48 3.9 32.5 1.0
CG2 c:VAL25 4.2 33.8 1.0
CB c:VAL25 4.3 33.8 1.0
N c:ILE49 4.3 31.6 1.0
CG1 c:VAL25 4.4 33.8 1.0
CG2 c:VAL5 4.5 33.0 1.0
N c:GLY50 4.6 32.1 1.0
C c:CYS48 4.6 32.5 1.0
CG2 c:VAL67 4.9 32.8 1.0


F.Y.He, L.S.Zhao, X.X.Qu, K.Li, J.P.Guo, F.Zhao, N.Wang, B.Y.Qin, X.L.Chen, J.Gao, L.N.Liu, Y.Z.Zhang. Structural Insights Into the Assembly and Energy Transfer of Haptophyte Photosystem I-Light-Harvesting Supercomplex. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa V. 121 78121 2024.
ISSN: ESSN 1091-6490
PubMed: 39642204
DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.2413678121
Page generated: Sat Feb 8 18:45:35 2025

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