Iron in PDB, part 285 (files: 11361-11400),
PDB 8fhc-8gbk
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 11361-11400 (PDB 8fhc-8gbk).
8fhc (Fe: 4) - Protein 41 with Aldehyde Deformylating Oxidase Activity From Gamma Proteobacterium
Other atoms:
Br (12);
8fib (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Erwinia Tracheiphila CYP114
8fic (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Erwinia Tracheiphila CYP114 in Complex with Ent- Kaurenoic Acid (Crystal Form 1)
8fid (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Erwinia Tracheiphila CYP114 in Complex with Ent- Kaurenoic Acid (Crystal Form 2)
8fie (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Erwinia Tracheiphila CYP114 Mutant - A261D
8fjo (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of CYP124A1 From Mycobacterium Marinum in Complex with Farnesyl Acetate
8fjq (Fe: 2) - Structure of Thermomonospora Curvata Heme-Containing Dyp-Type Peroxidase E293G Mutant
8fjr (Fe: 2) - Structure of Thermomonospora Curvata Heme-Containing Dyp-Type Peroxidase E293H Mutant
8fkb (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of CYP124A1 From Mycobacterium Marinum Bound to Farnesol
8flo (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Substrate Free CYP124A1 From Mycobacterium Marinum
8fm6 (Fe: 1) - DRI1 Hemoprotein Variant H21A with A Zinc-Mirror Heme Site
8fo0 (Fe: 4) - The Structure of A Crystallizable Variant of E. Coli Pyruvate Formate- Lyase Activating Enzyme Bound to A Partially Cleaved Sam Molecule
Other atoms:
K (1);
8foc (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase in Apo State Conformation I
8fod (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase Complex in Apo State Conformation II
8foe (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase Complex Bound to A Template Dna
8foh (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase Complex in the Rna Synthesis State
8foj (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase Complex in the Post Rna Handoff State
8fok (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase Complex in the Dna Elongation State
8fol (Fe: 4) - The Structure of A Crystallizable Variant of E. Coli Pyruvate Formate- Lyase Activating Enzyme Bound to Sam, Alternate Crystal Form
Other atoms:
K (1);
Cl (3);
8fsi (Fe: 4) - The Structure of A Crystallizable Variant of E. Coli Pyruvate Formate- Lyase Activating Enzyme Bound to Sam
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
K (2);
8fty (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Carotenoid Isomerooxygenase, Ninab
Other atoms:
Na (1);
Cl (3);
As (1);
8fu2 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of T151G CAO1 in Complex with Piceatannol
8fu5 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Fe-CAO1 in Complex with Piceatannol
8ful (Fe: 12) - Heterologous AIBH1H2 Purified From Lysogeny Broth
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
8fum (Fe: 12) - AIBH1H2 Metalated with Fe in the Presence of Tris
Other atoms:
Mg (14);
8fun (Fe: 1) - Enzymatically Active, Mn/Fe Metallated Form of AIBH1H2
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Mn (5);
8fuo (Fe: 6) - Fe-Bound AIBH1H2
8fvv (Fe: 12) - Rubrerythrin From B. Pseudomallei: Iron-Bound
8fz8 (Fe: 1) - Structure of Cytochrome P450SKY2
8g35 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of F182L-CYP199A4 in Complex with (S)-4-(2-Hydroxy- 3-Oxobutan-2-Yl)Benzoic Acid
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
8g36 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of F182L-CYP199A4 in Complex with Terephthalic Acid
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
8g64 (Fe: 1) - Heme-Bound Flavodoxin Fldh From Fusobacterium Nucleatum
8g99 (Fe: 4) - Partial Auto-Inhibitory Complex of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8g9f (Fe: 4) - Complete Auto-Inhibitory Complex of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
8g9l (Fe: 4) - Dna Initiation Subcomplex of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha- Primase
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
8g9o (Fe: 4) - Complete Dna Elongation Subcomplex of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
8gar (Fe: 1) - Nitrosomonas Europaea Cytochrome P460 ARG44ALA
8gb1 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of SAMHD1 Dimer Bound to Deoxyguanosine Linked Inhibitor
Other atoms:
Br (4);
8gb2 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Apo-SAMHD1
8gbk (Fe: 4) - DRI1 Hemoprotein Variant H79A-R90A with A Zinc-Mirror Heme Site
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:43:41 2025