Atomistry » Iron » PDB 5ibf-5j84
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Iron in PDB, part 179 (files: 7121-7160), PDB 5ibf-5j84

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 7121-7160 (PDB 5ibf-5j84).
  1. 5ibf (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure Mycobacterium Tuberculosis CYP121 in Complex with Inhibitor Fragment 19A
  2. 5ibg (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure Mycobacterium Tuberculosis CYP121 in Complex with Inhibitor Fragment 25B
  3. 5ibh (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure Mycobacterium Tuberculosis CYP121 in Complex with Inhibitor Fragment 26H
  4. 5ibi (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure Mycobacterium Tuberculosis CYP121 in Complex with Inhibitor Fragment 26A
  5. 5ibj (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure Mycobacterium Tuberculosis CYP121 in Complex with Inhibitor Fragment 6
  6. 5ihe (Fe: 2) - D-Family Dna Polymerase - DP1 Subunit (3'-5' Proof-Reading Exonuclease)
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Ca (3);
  7. 5ik1 (Fe: 1) - Open State of P450CAM After Soaking in Camphor
  8. 5ikd (Fe: 1) - Asymmetric Sulfoxidation By Engineering the Heme Pocket of A Dye- Decolorizing Peroxidase
  9. 5ikg (Fe: 1) - Asymmetric Sulfoxidation By Engineering the Heme Pocket of A Dye- Decolorizing Peroxidase
  10. 5iki (Fe: 2) - CYP106A2 with Substrate Abietic Acid
  11. 5iks (Fe: 1) - Wild-Type Sperm Whale Myoglobin with A Fe-Phenyl Moiety
  12. 5ile (Fe: 1) - H64A Sperm Whale Myoglobin with A Fe-Tolyl Moiety
  13. 5ilm (Fe: 1) - H64A Sperm Whale Myoglobin with A Fe-Chlorophenyl Moiety
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  14. 5ilp (Fe: 1) - H64Q Sperm Whale Myoglobin with A Fe-Tolyl Moiety
  15. 5ilr (Fe: 1) - H64Q Sperm Whale Myoglobin with A Fe-Chlorophenyl Moiety
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  16. 5iqs (Fe: 3) - WELO5 Bound to Fe(II), Cl, and 2-Oxoglutarate
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  17. 5iqt (Fe: 3) - WELO5 Bound to Fe(II), Cl, 2-Oxoglutarate, and 12-Epifischerindole U
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  18. 5iqu (Fe: 1) - WELO5 G166D Variant Bound to Fe(II), 2-Oxoglutarate, and 12- Epifischerindole U
  19. 5iqv (Fe: 3) - WELO5 Bound to Fe, Cl, 2-Oxoglutarate, 12-Epifischerindole U, and Nitric Oxide
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  20. 5iqx (Fe: 2) - 1.05A Resolution Structure of Holo Hasap (R33A) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
    Other atoms: Na (4);
  21. 5ir4 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Wild-Type Bacterial Lipoxygenase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pa-Lox with Space Group C2221 at 1.48 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Cl (1);
  22. 5ir5 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Wild-Type Bacterial Lipoxygenase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pa-Lox with Space Group P21212 at 1.9 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  23. 5ir6 (Fe: 3) - The Structure of Bd Oxidase From Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans
  24. 5irq (Fe: 4) - Human Cytochrome P450 17A1 Bound to Inhibitors (R)- and (S)- Orteronel
  25. 5irv (Fe: 4) - Human Cytochrome P450 17A1 Bound to Inhibitor Vt-464
    Other atoms: F (16);
  26. 5it1 (Fe: 4) - Streptomyces Peucetius CYP105P2 Complex with Biphenyl Compound
  27. 5iut (Fe: 1) - Structure of P450 2B4 F202W Mutant
  28. 5iuz (Fe: 2) - Structure of P450 2B4 F202W Mutant (Cymal-5)
  29. 5ixr (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of C139A Nostoc H-Nox Domain with Imidazole
  30. 5ixv (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Signaling Protein Complex 2
  31. 5ixw (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Signaling Protein Complex 3
  32. 5ixx (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Signaling Protein Complex 4
  33. 5ixz (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Signaling Protein Complex 5
  34. 5iy5 (Fe: 6) - Electron Transfer Complex of Cytochrome C and Cytochrome C Oxidase at 2.0 Angstrom Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2); Cu (6); Na (4);
  35. 5j3r (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Yeast Monothiol Glutaredoxin GRX6 in Complex with A Glutathione-Coordinated [2FE-2S] Cluster
  36. 5j53 (Fe: 1) - The Structure and Mechanism of NOV1, A Resveratrol-Cleaving Dioxygenase
  37. 5j54 (Fe: 1) - The Structure and Mechanism of NOV1, A Resveratrol-Cleaving Dioxygenase
  38. 5j55 (Fe: 1) - The Structure and Mechanism of NOV1, A Resveratrol-Cleaving Dioxygenase
  39. 5j6d (Fe: 2) - Discovery of Acyl Guanidine Tryptophan Hydroxylase-1 Inhibitors
  40. 5j84 (Fe: 16) - Crystal Structure of L-Arabinonate Dehydratase in Holo-Form
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:12:28 2025

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