Iron in PDB, part 288 (files: 11481-11520),
PDB 8iap-8ird
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 11481-11520 (PDB 8iap-8ird).
8iap (Fe: 28) - Respiratory Complex Peripheral Arm of Ci, Focus-Refined Map of Type I, Wild Type Mouse Under Thermoneutral Temperature
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8ib5 (Fe: 28) - Respiratory Complex Peripheral Arm of Ci, Focus-Refined Map of Type Ia, Wild Type Mouse Under Cold Temperature
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8iba (Fe: 28) - Respiratory Complex Peripheral Arm of Ci, Focus-Refined Map of Type Ib, Wild Type Mouse Under Cold Temperature
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8ibe (Fe: 28) - Respiratory Complex Peripheral Arm of Ci, Focus-Refined Map of Type II, Wild Type Mouse Under Cold Temperature
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8ic3 (Fe: 28) - Respiratory Complex Peripheral Arm of Ci, Focus-Refined Map of Type I, Perk -/- Mouse Under Cold Temperature
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8iey (Fe: 1) - Aquifex Aeolicus Tsad-Tsab
8ifx (Fe: 1) - Aquifex Aeolicus Tsad-Tsab in Complex with Adp
8iie (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Msmudgx
8iif (Fe: 4) - H109A Mutant of Uracil Dna Glycosylase X
8iig (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx H109A Mutant and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Udgx H109A
8iih (Fe: 4) - H109C Mutant of Uracil Dna Glycosylase X
8iii (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx H109C Mutant and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Msmudgx H109A
8iij (Fe: 4) - H109G Mutant of Uracil Dna Glycosylase X
8iil (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx H109G Mutant and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Msmudgx H109G
8iim (Fe: 4) - H109K Mutant of Uracil Dna Glycosylase X
8iin (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx H109K Mutant and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Msmudgx H109K
8iio (Fe: 4) - H109Q Mutant of Uracil Dna Glycosylase X
8iip (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx H109Q Mutant and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Msmudgx H109Q
8iiq (Fe: 4) - Msmudgx H109S/E52N Double Mutant
8iir (Fe: 4) - Msmudgx H109S/Q53A Double Mutant
8iis (Fe: 4) - Msmudgx H109S/R184A Double Mutant
8iit (Fe: 4) - Complex Form of Msmudgx H109S/R184A Double Mutant and Uracil- Obtained From Uracil Dna (Ttutt) Post Its Cleavage By Msmudgx H109S/R184A
8ijn (Fe: 4) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase in the Nitric Oxide-Bound Fully Reduced State at 100 K
Other atoms:
Na (2);
Zn (2);
Mg (2);
Cu (6);
8ijy (Fe: 4) - Synechococcus Elongatus 6-4 Photolyase with An 8-Hdf As the Antenna Chromophore and A Covalently Linked Fad As the Catalytic Cofactor
8ikz (Fe: 2) - The Mutant Structure of Dhad
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
8il8 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Pyruvic Oxime Dioxygenase (Pod) From Alcaligenes Faecalis
8imu (Fe: 4) - Dihydroxyacid Dehydratase (Dhad) Mutant-V497F
8in2 (Fe: 2) - 4,5-Dopa-Extradiol-Dioxygenase From Beta Vulgaris
8ing (Fe: 1) - Structure of the Ternary Complex of Lactoperoxidase with Substrate Nitric Oxide (No) and Product Nitrite Ion (NO2) at 1.98 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
I (13);
Na (2);
8iog (Fe: 10) - Cryo-Em Structure of Porcine BC1 Complex in Isolated State
8ips (Fe: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Heme Transporter Cyddc From Escherichia Coli in the Inward Facing Heme Loading State
8ir5 (Fe: 6) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Under Dark Conditions
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
Mn (8);
Mg (72);
Ca (9);
8ir6 (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 20-Nanosecond Delay
Other atoms:
Cl (8);
Mn (16);
Mg (80);
Ca (11);
8ir7 (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 200-Nanosecond Delay
Other atoms:
Ca (11);
Mg (80);
Mn (16);
Cl (8);
8ir8 (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 1-Microsecond Delay
Other atoms:
Ca (11);
Mg (80);
Mn (16);
Cl (8);
8ir9 (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 30-Microsecond Delay
Other atoms:
Ca (11);
Mg (80);
Mn (16);
Cl (8);
8ira (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 200-Microsecond Delay
Other atoms:
Ca (11);
Cl (8);
Mn (16);
Mg (80);
8irb (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 5-Millisecond Delay
Other atoms:
Mn (16);
Cl (8);
Mg (80);
Ca (11);
8irc (Fe: 6) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following One Flash (1F) with A 5-Millisecond Delay (Single Conformation)
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
Mn (8);
Mg (72);
Ca (9);
8ird (Fe: 8) - Xfel Structure of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Following Two Flashes (2F) with A 20-Nanosecond Delay
Other atoms:
Ca (11);
Mg (80);
Cl (8);
Mn (16);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:16:38 2025