Atomistry » Iron » PDB 1ch3-1cp2
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Iron in PDB, part 7 (files: 241-280), PDB 1ch3-1cp2

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 241-280 (PDB 1ch3-1cp2).
  1. 1ch3 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin L89W Mutant (Met)
  2. 1ch4 (Fe: 4) - Module-Substituted Chimera Hemoglobin Beta-Alpha (F133V)
  3. 1ch5 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin H97V Mutant (Met)
  4. 1ch7 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin H97F Mutant (Met)
  5. 1ch9 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin H97Q Mutant (Met)
  6. 1chh (Fe: 1) - Structural Studies of the Roles of Residues 82 and 85 at the Interactive Face of Cytochrome C
  7. 1chi (Fe: 1) - Structural Studies of the Roles of Residues 82 and 85 at the Interactive Face of Cytochrome C
  8. 1chj (Fe: 1) - Structural Studies of the Roles of Residues 82 and 85 at the Interactive Face of Cytochrome C
  9. 1ci3 (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome F From the B6F Complex of Phormidium Laminosum
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  10. 1ci6 (Fe: 3) - Transcription Factor ATF4-C/Ebp Beta Bzip Heterodimer
  11. 1cie (Fe: 1) - Structural and Functional Effects of Multiple Mutations at Distal Sites in Cytochrome C
  12. 1cif (Fe: 1) - Structural and Functional Effects of Multiple Mutations at Distal Sites in Cytochrome C
  13. 1cig (Fe: 1) - Structural and Functional Effects of Multiple Mutations at Distal Sites in Cytochrome C
  14. 1cih (Fe: 1) - Structural and Functional Effects of Multiple Mutations at Distal Sites in Cytochrome C
  15. 1cik (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin I99A Mutant (Met)
  16. 1cio (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin I99V Mutant (Met)
  17. 1cje (Fe: 8) - Adrenodoxin From Bovine
  18. 1cjx (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Pseudomonas Fluorescens Hppd
    Other atoms: Hg (4);
  19. 1ck6 (Fe: 1) - Binding Mode of Salicylhydroxamic Acid to Arthromyces Ramosus Peroxidase
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  20. 1cku (Fe: 8) - Ab Initio Solution and Refinement of Two High Potential Iron Protein Structures at Atomic Resolution
  21. 1cl6 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structures of Ferric-No Complexes of Fungal Nitric Oxide Reductase and Its SER286 Mutants at Cryogenic Temperature
  22. 1clf (Fe: 128) - Clostridium Pasteurianum Ferredoxin
  23. 1cls (Fe: 4) - Cross-Linked Human Hemoglobin Deoxy
  24. 1cmj (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structures of Ferric-No Complexes of Fungal Nitric Oxide Reductase and Their SER286 Mutants at Cryogenic Temperature
  25. 1cmn (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structures of Ferric-No Complexes of Fungal Nitric Oxide Reductase and Their SER286 Mutants at Cryogenic Temperature
  26. 1cmp (Fe: 1) - Small Molecule Binding to An Artificially Created Cavity at the Active Site of Cytochrome C Peroxidase
  27. 1cmq (Fe: 1) - Small Molecule Binding to An Artificially Created Cavity at the Active Site of Cytochrome C Peroxidase
  28. 1cmt (Fe: 1) - The Role of Aspartate-235 in the Binding of Cations to An Artificial Cavity at the Radical Site of Cytochrome C Peroxidase
  29. 1cmu (Fe: 1) - The Role of Aspartate-235 in the Binding of Cations to An Artificial Cavity at the Radical Site of Cytochrome C Peroxidase
  30. 1cmy (Fe: 4) - The Mutation BETA99 Asp-Tyr Stabilizes Y-A New, Composite Quaternary State of Human Hemoglobin
  31. 1cno (Fe: 8) - Structure of Pseudomonas Nautica Cytochrome C552, By Mad Method
  32. 1co6 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ferrocytochrome C2 From Rhodopseudomonas Viridis
  33. 1co8 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin L104A Mutant (Met)
  34. 1co9 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin L104V Mutant (Met)
  35. 1coh (Fe: 2) - Structure of Haemoglobin in the Deoxy Quaternary State with Ligand Bound at the Alpha Haems
    Other atoms: Co (2);
  36. 1coj (Fe: 1) - Fe-Sod From Aquifex Pyrophilus, A Hyperthermophilic Bacterium
  37. 1cor (Fe: 1) - Investigation of the Solution Conformation of Cytochrome C- 551 From Pseudomonas Stutzeri
  38. 1cot (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Cytochrome C2 Isolated From Paracoccus Denitrificans Refined to 1.7 Angstroms Resolution
  39. 1cp0 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Sperm Whale Myoglobin L104N Mutant (Met)
  40. 1cp2 (Fe: 4) - Nitrogenase Iron Protein From Clostridium Pasteurianum
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:05:54 2025

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