Iron in PDB, part 18 (files: 681-720),
PDB 1gem-1gwe
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 681-720 (PDB 1gem-1gwe).
1gem (Fe: 1) - Structural Characterization of N-Butyl-Isocyanide Complexes of Cytochromes P450NOR and P450CAM
1gg9 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli, HIS128ASN Variant.
1gge (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli, Native Structure at 1.9 A Resolution.
1ggf (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli, Variant HIS128ASN, Complex with Hydrogen Peroxide.
1ggh (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli, HIS128ALA Variant.
1ggj (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli, ASN201ALA Variant.
1ggk (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli, ASN201HIS Variant.
1giw (Fe: 1) - Solution Structure of Reduced Horse Heart Cytochrome C, uc(Nmr), Minimized Average Structure
1gjm (Fe: 3) - Covalent Attachment of An Electroactive Sulphydryl Reagent in the Active Site of Cytochrome P450CAM
1gjn (Fe: 1) - Hydrogen Peroxide Derived Myoglobin Compound II at pH 5.2
1gjq (Fe: 4) - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa CD1 Nitrite Reductase Reduced Cyanide Complex
1gks (Fe: 37) - Ectothiorhodospira Halophila Cytochrome C551 (Reduced), uc(Nmr), 37 Structures
1gli (Fe: 4) - Deoxyhemoglobin T38W (Alpha Chains), V1G (Alpha and Beta Chains)
1gm4 (Fe: 4) - Oxidised Structure of Cytochrome C3 From Desulfovibrio Desulfuricans Atcc 27774 at pH 7.6
1gmb (Fe: 4) - Reduced Structure of Cytochrome C3 From Desulfovibrio Desulfuricans Atcc 27774 at pH 7.6
1gn2 (Fe: 8) - S123C Mutant of the Iron-Superoxide Dismutase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
1gn3 (Fe: 2) - H145Q Mutant of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Iron-Superoxide Dismutase.
1gn6 (Fe: 4) - G152A Mutant of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Iron-Superoxide Dismutase.
1gn9 (Fe: 16) - Hybrid Cluster Protein From Desulfovibrio Desulfuricans Atcc 27774 X-Ray Structure at 2.6A Resolution Using Synchrotron Radiation at A Wavelength of 1.722A
1gnl (Fe: 16) - Hybrid Cluster Protein From Desulfovibrio Desulfuricans X-Ray Structure at 1.25A Resolution Using Synchrotron Radiation at A Wavelength of 0.933A
1gnt (Fe: 8) - Hybrid Cluster Protein From Desulfovibrio Vulgaris. X-Ray Structure at 1.25A Resolution Using Synchrotron Radiation.
1gp5 (Fe: 1) - Anthocyanidin Synthase From Arabidopsis Thaliana Complexed with Trans-Dihydroquercetin
1gp6 (Fe: 1) - Anthocyanidin Synthase From Arabidopsis Thaliana Complexed with Trans-Dihydroquercetin (with 30 Min Exposure to O2)
1gph (Fe: 16) - Structure of the Allosteric Regulatory Enzyme of Purine Biosynthesis
1gq1 (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome CD1 Nitrite Reductase, Y25S Mutant, Oxidised Form
1gqa (Fe: 2) - Cytochrome C' From Rhodobacter Spheriodes
1gqw (Fe: 2) - Taurine/Alpha-Ketoglutarate Dioxygenase From Escherichia Coli
1gt8 (Fe: 64) - Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (Dpd) From Pig, Ternary Complex with Nadph and Uracil-4-Acetic Acid
1gte (Fe: 64) - Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (Dpd) From Pig, Binary Complex with 5-Iodouracil
Other atoms:
I (4);
1gth (Fe: 64) - Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (Dpd) From Pig, Ternary Complex with Nadph and 5-Iodouracil
Other atoms:
I (2);
1gu2 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Oxidized Cytochrome C'' From Methylophilus Methylotrophus
1gu6 (Fe: 20) - Structure of the Periplasmic Cytochrome C Nitrite Reductase From Escherichia Coli
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
1gup (Fe: 4) - Structure of Nucleotidyltransferase Complexed with Udp- Galactose
Other atoms:
K (4);
Zn (4);
1guq (Fe: 4) - Structure of Nucleotidyltransferase Complexed with Udp- Glucose
Other atoms:
K (4);
Zn (4);
1gv8 (Fe: 1) - 18 kDa Fragment of N-II Domain of Duck Ovotransferrin
1gvc (Fe: 1) - 18KDA N-II Domain Fragment of Duck Ovotransferrin + Nta
1gvg (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Clavaminate Synthase with Nitric Oxide
1gvh (Fe: 1) - The X-Ray Structure of Ferric Escherichia Coli Flavohemoglobin Reveals An Unespected Geometry of the Distal Heme Pocket
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
Na (2);
1gw2 (Fe: 1) - Recombinant Horseradish Peroxidase C1A THR171SER in Complex with Ferulic Acid
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
1gwe (Fe: 1) - Atomic Resolution Structure of Micrococcus Lysodeikticus Catalase
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:06:19 2025