Iron in PDB, part 196 (files: 7801-7840),
PDB 5xdh-5xy4
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 7801-7840 (PDB 5xdh-5xy4).
5xdh (Fe: 4) - His/Dopa Ligated Cytochrome C From An Anammox Organism Ksu-1
5xdq (Fe: 4) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase in the Fully Oxidized State with pH 7.3 at 1.77 Angstrom Resolution
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Zn (2);
Cu (6);
Na (4);
5xdx (Fe: 4) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase in the Reduced State with pH 7.3 at 1.99 Angstrom Resolution
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Zn (2);
Cu (6);
Na (4);
5xe1 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenagse 1 (IDO1) Complexed with INCB14943
Other atoms:
F (2);
Cl (2);
5xec (Fe: 2) - Heterodimer Constructed From Pa Cyt C551-Ht Cyt C552 and Ht Cyt C552- Pa Cyt C551 Chimeric Proteins
5xed (Fe: 2) - Heterodimer Constructed From M61A Pa Cyt C551-Ht Cyt C552 and Ht Cyt C552-Pa Cyt C551 Chimeric Proteins
5xf9 (Fe: 38) - Crystal Structure of Nad+-Reducing [Nife]-Hydrogenase in the Air- Oxidized State
Other atoms:
Ni (2);
Mg (2);
5xfa (Fe: 38) - Crystal Structure of Nad+-Reducing [Nife]-Hydrogenase in the H2- Reduced State
Other atoms:
Ni (2);
Mg (2);
5xgk (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Arabidopsis Thaliana 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase (Athppd) Complexed with Its Substrate 4- Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Acid (Hppa)
5xhj (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of P450BM3 with 5-Cyclohexylvaleroyl-L-Tryptophan
5xib (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with Fe-5,15-Diphenylporphyrin
5xic (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with Fe-5,10,15-Triphenylporphyrin
5xie (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with 5-Ethynyl-10,20-Diphenylporphyrin
5xjn (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome P450 Crej in Complex with (4-Ethylphenyl) Dihydrogen Phosphate
5xkb (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with Fe-5,15-Bisethynyl-10,20- Diphenylporphyrin
5xkv (Fe: 1) - Structure of Sperm Whale Myoglobin F138W
5xkw (Fe: 1) - Myoglobin Mutant F43Y/F46Y
5xl0 (Fe: 2) - Met-Aquo Form of Sperm Whale Myoglobin Reconstituted with 7-Pf, A Heme Possesseing CF3 Group As Side Chain
Other atoms:
F (6);
5xle (Fe: 12) - Crystal Structure of Anaerobically Purified and Anaerobically Crystallized D. Vulgaris Miyazaki F [Nife]-Hydrogenase
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
Mg (1);
5xlf (Fe: 12) - Crystal Structure of Aerobically Purified and Aerobically Crystallized D. Vulgaris Miyazaki F [Nife]-Hydrogenase
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
Mg (1);
5xlg (Fe: 12) - Crystal Structure of Anaerobically Purified and Aerobically Crystallized D. Vulgaris Miyazaki F [Nife]-Hydrogenase
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
Mg (1);
5xlh (Fe: 12) - Crystal Structure of Aerobically Purified and Aerobically Crystallized For 12WEEKS D. Vulgaris Miyazaki F [Nife]-Hydrogenase
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
Mg (1);
5xmj (Fe: 44) - Crystal Structure of Quinol:Fumarate Reductase From Desulfovibrio Gigas
5xnc (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Branched-Chain Polyamine Synthase (Bpsa) in Complex with N4-Aminopropylspermidine and 5-Methylthioadenosine
5xnf (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Branched-Chain Polyamine Synthase (Bpsa) From Thermococcus Kodakarensis
5xnh (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Branched-Chain Polyamine Synthase (Bpsa) in Complex with Spermidine
5xnl (Fe: 4) - Structure of Stacked C2S2M2-Type Psii-Lhcii Supercomplex From Pisum Sativum
Other atoms:
Mg (314);
Mn (8);
Ca (2);
Cl (4);
5xnm (Fe: 4) - Structure of Unstacked C2S2M2-Type Psii-Lhcii Supercomplex From Pisum Sativum
Other atoms:
Mg (314);
Mn (8);
Ca (2);
5xnt (Fe: 1) - Structure of CYP106A2 From Bacillus Sp. Pamc 23377
5xtb (Fe: 28) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human Respiratory Complex I Matrix Arm
5xtd (Fe: 28) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human Respiratory Complex I
5xte (Fe: 10) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human Respiratory Complex III (Cytochrome BC1 Complex)
5xvb (Fe: 24) - [Nife]-Hydrogenase (Hyb-Type) From Citrobacter Sp. S-77 in An H2- Reduced Condition
Other atoms:
Ni (2);
Mg (2);
5xvc (Fe: 24) - [Nife]-Hydrogenase (Hyb-Type) From Citrobacter Sp. S-77 in A Ferricyanide-Oxidized Condition
Other atoms:
Ni (2);
Mg (2);
5xvd (Fe: 32) - [Nife]-Hydrogenase (Hyb-Type) From Citrobacter Sp. S-77 in An Air- Oxidized Condition
Other atoms:
Ni (2);
Mg (2);
Na (2);
5xvz (Fe: 4) - Catpo Mutant - H246W
Other atoms:
Ca (10);
5xw2 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Hydroxylase Hmtn in C 1 2 1 Crystal Form
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
5xx9 (Fe: 12) - Crystal Structure of Bacterioferritin
5xxi (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of CYP2C9 in Complex with Multiple Losartan Molecules
Other atoms:
K (1);
Cl (4);
5xy4 (Fe: 4) - Catpo Mutant - V536W
Other atoms:
Ca (10);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:40:17 2025