Atomistry » Iron » PDB 2aiu-2axx
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Iron in PDB, part 56 (files: 2201-2240), PDB 2aiu-2axx

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 2201-2240 (PDB 2aiu-2axx).
  1. 2aiu (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mouse Testicular Cytochrome C at 1.6 Angstrom
  2. 2akj (Fe: 5) - Structure of Spinach Nitrite Reductase
  3. 2al0 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Nitrophorin 2 Ferrous Aqua Complex
  4. 2all (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of L122V/L132V Mutant of Nitrophorin 2
  5. 2alu (Fe: 1) - Detection of New Binding Site in the C-Terminal Lobe of Lactoferrin:Crystal Structure of the Complex Formed Between Bovine Lactoferrin and A Tetrasaccharide at 2.1A Resolution
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  6. 2amm (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of L122V/L132V Mutant of Nitrophorin 2
  7. 2amo (Fe: 2) - Loose Dimer of A Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase
  8. 2ams (Fe: 4) - Strucutre of the Oxidized Hipip From Thermochromatium Tepidum at 1.4 Angstrom Resolution
  9. 2amu (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Putative Superoxide Reductase (TM0658) From Thermotoga Maritima at 2.00 A Resolution
  10. 2an0 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the P332G Mutant of the Bacillus Subtilis Nos
  11. 2an2 (Fe: 1) - P332G, A333S Double Mutant of the Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase
  12. 2ani (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the F127Y Mutant of Ribonucleotide Reductase R2 From Chlamydia Trachomatis
    Other atoms: Pb (1);
  13. 2anz (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase in Complex with 2,6-Diaminopyridine
  14. 2aop (Fe: 5) - Sulfite Reductase: Reduced with Crii Edta, Siroheme Feii, [4FE-4S] +1, Phosphate Bound
    Other atoms: K (1);
  15. 2aqd (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase (Ccp) in Complex with 2,5- Diaminopyridine
  16. 2as1 (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase in Complex with Thiopheneamidine
  17. 2as2 (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase in Complex with 2-Iminopiperidine
  18. 2as3 (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase in Complex with Phenol
    Other atoms: K (1);
  19. 2as4 (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase in Complex with 3-Fluorocatechol
    Other atoms: F (2); K (1);
  20. 2as6 (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome C Peroxidase in Complex with Cyclopentylamine
  21. 2asn (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of D1A Mutant of Nitrophorin 2 Complexed with Imidazole
  22. 2at0 (Fe: 4) - 1.00 A Crystal Structure of L133V Mutant of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Complexed with Nitric Oxide at pH 5.6
  23. 2at3 (Fe: 1) - 1.00 A Crystal Structure of L123V/L133V Mutant of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Complexed with Imidazole at pH 5.6
  24. 2at5 (Fe: 2) - 1.22 A Crystal Structure of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Containing Fe(III) Deuteroporphyrin IX Complexed with Nitric Oxide at pH 5.6
  25. 2at6 (Fe: 2) - 1.22 A Crystal Structure of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Containing Fe(III) Deuteroporphyrin IX Complexed with Water at pH 5.6
  26. 2at8 (Fe: 1) - 0.96 A Crystal Structure of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Containing Fe(III) 2,4 Dimethyl Deuteroporphyrin IX Complexed with Nitric Oxide at pH 5.6
  27. 2atj (Fe: 2) - Recombinant Horseradish Peroxidase Complex with Benzhydroxamic Acid
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  28. 2auo (Fe: 2) - Residue F4 Plays A Key Role in Modulating the Oxygen Affinity and Cooperatrivity in Scapharca Dimeric Hemoglobin
  29. 2aup (Fe: 2) - Residue F4 Plays A Key Role in Modulating Oxygen Affinity and Cooperativity in Scapharca Dimeric Hemoglobin
  30. 2auq (Fe: 2) - Hbi (F97V) Co Bound
  31. 2aur (Fe: 2) - F97V (No Ligand Bound)
  32. 2auv (Fe: 30) - Solution Structure of Hndac : A Thioredoxin-Like [2FE-2S] Ferredoxin Involved in the Nadp-Reducing Hydrogenase Complex
  33. 2av0 (Fe: 2) - F97L with Co Bound
  34. 2av3 (Fe: 2) - F97L- No Ligand
  35. 2av8 (Fe: 5) - Y122F Mutant of Ribonucleotide Reductase From Escherichia Coli
  36. 2avk (Fe: 2) - Met-Azido-Dcrh-Hr
  37. 2awc (Fe: 2) - Deoxy-Dcrh-Hr
  38. 2awy (Fe: 4) - Met-Dcrh-Hr
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Ca (1);
  39. 2axt (Fe: 6) - Crystal Structure of Photosystem II From Thermosynechococcus Elongatus
    Other atoms: Mn (8); Mg (70); Ca (4); Ne (4);
  40. 2axx (Fe: 21) - The Solution Structure of Oxidized Rat Microsomal Cytochrome B5, uc(Nmr), 21 Structures
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:07:46 2025

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