Atomistry » Iron » PDB 4b31-4bmp
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Iron in PDB, part 131 (files: 5201-5240), PDB 4b31-4bmp

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 5201-5240 (PDB 4b31-4bmp).
  1. 4b31 (Fe: 4) - Probing the Active Center of Catalase-Phenol Oxidase From Scytalidium Thermophilum
    Other atoms: Ca (5);
  2. 4b3w (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human Cytoglobin H(E7)Q Mutant
  3. 4b40 (Fe: 4) - Probing the Active Center of Catalase-Phenol Oxidase From Scytalidium Thermophilum
    Other atoms: Ca (5);
  4. 4b4y (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Neuroglobin From the Photosymbiotic Marine Acoel Symsagittifera Roscoffensis
  5. 4b5k (Fe: 4) - Probing the Active Center of Catalase-Phenol Oxidase From Scytalidium Thermophilum
    Other atoms: Ca (9);
  6. 4b7a (Fe: 4) - Probing the Active Center of Catalase-Phenol Oxidase From Scytalidium Thermophilum
    Other atoms: Ca (5);
  7. 4b7d (Fe: 2) - Pikc Bound to the 10-Dml Analog with the 3-(N,N-Dimethylamino) Propanoate Anchoring Group
  8. 4b7f (Fe: 4) - Structure of A Liganded Bacterial Catalase
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  9. 4b7g (Fe: 4) - Structure of A Bacterial Catalase
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  10. 4b7h (Fe: 4) - Structure of A Highdose Liganded Bacterial Catalase
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  11. 4b7s (Fe: 2) - Pikc D50N Mutant Bound to the 10-Dml Analog with the 3-(N,N- Dimethylamino)Propanoate Anchoring Group
  12. 4b8n (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome B5 of Ostreococcus Tauri Virus 2
  13. 4b8y (Fe: 1) - Ferrichrome-Bound FHUD2
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  14. 4bb3 (Fe: 1) - Isopenicillin N Synthase with the Dipeptide Substrate Analogue Ahc
  15. 4bf4 (Fe: 16) - Pikc D50N Mutant in Complex with the Engineered Cycloalkane Substrate Mimic Bearing A Termianl N,N-Dimethylamino Group
  16. 4bff (Fe: 16) - Superoxide Reductase (Neelaredoxin) From Archaeoglobus Fulgidus in the Reduced Form
  17. 4bfj (Fe: 2) - Superoxide Reductase (Neelaredoxin) From Archaeoglobus Fulgidus E12V Mutant
  18. 4bfk (Fe: 4) - Superoxide Reductase (Neelaredoxin) From Archaeoglobus Fulgidus E12Q Mutant
  19. 4bfl (Fe: 4) - Structure of Natively Expressed Catalase Hpii
  20. 4bgl (Fe: 4) - Superoxide Reductase (Neelaredoxin) From Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
  21. 4bim (Fe: 4) - Catalase 3 From Neurospora Crassa in Tetragonal Form Exposes A Modified Tetrameric Organization
  22. 4bio (Fe: 1) - Factor Inhibiting Hif-1 Alpha in Complex with 8- Hydroxyquinoline-5-Carboxylic Acid
  23. 4bja (Fe: 1) - Globin-Like Protein Glb-12 From C.Elegans
  24. 4bjk (Fe: 4) - CYP51 of Trypanosoma Brucei Bound to (S)-N-(3-(1H-Indol-3- Yl)-1-Oxo-1-(Pyridin-4-Ylamino)Propan-2-Yl)-3,3'-Difluoro-( 1,1'-Biphenyl)-4-Carboxamide
    Other atoms: F (2);
  25. 4bk8 (Fe: 1) - Superoxide Reductase (Neelaredoxin) From Ignicoccus Hospitalis
  26. 4blc (Fe: 4) - The Structure of Orthorhombic Crystals of Beef Liver Catalase
  27. 4blk (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form I
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  28. 4bll (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form II
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Zn (3);
  29. 4bln (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form III
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  30. 4blx (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form IV
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  31. 4bly (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form V
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  32. 4blz (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form VI
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  33. 4bm0 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fungal Versatile Peroxidase I From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form VII
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  34. 4bm1 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Manganese Peroxidase 4 From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form I
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  35. 4bm2 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Manganese Peroxidase 4 From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form II
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  36. 4bm3 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Manganese Peroxidase 4 From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form III
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  37. 4bm4 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Manganese Peroxidase 4 From Pleurotus Ostreatus - Crystal Form IV
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  38. 4bmm (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Trypanosoma Cruzi CYP51 Bound to the Inhibitor (R)-N-(3-(1H-Indol-3-Yl)-1-Oxo-1-(Pyridin-4- Ylamino)Propan-2-Yl)- 2',3,5'-Trifluoro-(1,1'-Biphenyl)-4-Carboxamide
    Other atoms: F (12);
  39. 4bmo (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Bacillus Cereus Ribonucleotide Reductase Di-Iron Nrdf in Complex with Nrdi (1.8 A Resolution)
    Other atoms: Cl (5);
  40. 4bmp (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Bacillus Cereus Ribonucleotide Reductase Di-Iron Nrdf in Complex with Nrdi (2.1 A Resolution)
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:10:39 2025

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