Iron in PDB, part 22 (files: 841-880),
PDB 1hzu-1ird
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 841-880 (PDB 1hzu-1ird).
1hzu (Fe: 2) - Domain Swing Upon His to Ala Mutation in Nitrite Reductase of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
1hzv (Fe: 2) - Domain Swing Upon His to Ala Mutation in Nitrite Reductase of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
1i3d (Fe: 2) - Human Carbonmonoxy Hemoglobin Bart'S (GAMMA4)
1i3e (Fe: 2) - Human Azido-Met Hemoglobin Bart'S (GAMMA4)
1i4y (Fe: 16) - The Crystal Structure of Phascolopsis Gouldii Wild Type Methemerythrin
Other atoms:
Cl (8);
1i4z (Fe: 16) - The Crystal Structure of Phascolopsis Gouldii L98Y Methemerythrin
1i54 (Fe: 2) - Cytochrome C (Tuna) 2FE:1ZN Mixed-Metal Porphyrins
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
1i55 (Fe: 2) - Cytochrome C (Tuna) with 2ZN:1FE Mixed-Metal Porphyrins
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
1i5t (Fe: 1) - Solution Structure of Cyanoferricytochrome C
1i5u (Fe: 1) - Solution Structure of Cytochrome B5 Triple Mutant (E48A/E56A/D60A)
1i6d (Fe: 20) - Solution Structure of the Functional Domain of Paracoccus Denitrificans Cytochrome C552 in the Reduced State
1i6e (Fe: 20) - Solution Structure of the Functional Domain of Paracoccus Denitrificans Cytochrome C552 in the Oxidized State
1i6q (Fe: 2) - Formation of A Protein Intermediate and Its Trapping By the Simultaneous Crystallization Process: Crystal Structure of An Iron-Saturated Intermediate in the FE3+ Binding Pathway of Camel Lactoferrin at 2.7 Resolution
1i77 (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome C3 From Desulfovibrio Desulfuricans Essex 6
1i7h (Fe: 6) - Crystal Sturcuture of Fdx
1i83 (Fe: 2) - Bovine Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Heme Domain Complexed with N1,N14-Bis((S-Methyl)Isothioureido) Tetradecane (H4B Free)
Other atoms:
As (2);
Zn (1);
1i8o (Fe: 1) - Rhodopseudomonas Palustris Cyt C2 Ammonia Complex at 1.15 Angstrom Resolution
1i8p (Fe: 4) - Structure Determination of the Ferrocytochrome C2 From Rhodopseudomonas Palustris
1ib7 (Fe: 20) - Solution Structure of F35Y Mutant of Rat Ferro Cytochrome B5, A Conformation, Ensemble of 20 Structures
1ibe (Fe: 2) - Deoxy-Haemoglobin Trapped in the High-Affinity (R) State
1icc (Fe: 4) - Rat Outer Mitochondrial Membrane Cytochrome B5
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
1idr (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Truncated-Hemoglobin-N From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
1ids (Fe: 4) - X-Ray Structure Analysis of the Iron-Dependent Superoxide Dismutase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at 2.0 Angstroms Resolutions Reveals Novel Dimer-Dimer Interactions
1iej (Fe: 1) - Ovotransferrin, N-Terminal Lobe, Holo Form, at 1.65 A Resolution
1ik3 (Fe: 1) - Lipoxygenase-3 (Soybean) Complex with 13(S)-Hydroperoxy- 9(Z),11(E)-Octadecadienoic Acid
1ike (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Complexed with Histamine at 1.5 A Resolution
1ikj (Fe: 1) - 1.27 A Crystal Structure of Nitrophorin 4 From Rhodnius Prolixus Complexed with Imidazole
1ilx (Fe: 6) - Excited State Dynamics in Photosystem II Revised. New Insights From the X-Ray Structure.
Other atoms:
Cd (2);
Mg (70);
Mn (8);
1ine (Fe: 1) - How the Anti-(Metal Chelate) Antibody CHA255 Is Specific For the Metal Ion of Its Antigen: X-Ray Structures For Two Fab'(Slash)Hapten Complexes with Different Metals in the Chelate
1io3 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ferricytochrome C2 From Rhodopseudomonas Viridis
1io7 (Fe: 2) - Thermophilic Cytochrome P450 (CYP119) From Sulfolobus Solfataricus: High Resolution Structural Origin of Its Thermostability and Functional Properties
1io8 (Fe: 2) - Thermophilic Cytochrome P450 (CYP119) From Sulfolobus Solfataricus: High Resolution Structural Origin of Its Thermostability and Functional Properties
1io9 (Fe: 2) - Thermophilic Cytochrome P450 (CYP119) From Sulfolobus Solfataricus: High Resolution Structural Origin of Its Thermostability and Functional Properties
1iop (Fe: 1) - Incorporation of A Hemin with the Shortest Acid Side-Chains Into Myoglobin
1iph (Fe: 4) - Structure of Catalase Hpii From Escherichia Coli
1iqc (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Di-Heme Peroxidase From Nitrosomonas Europaea
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Ca (5);
1iqz (Fe: 4) - Oxidized [4FE-4S] Ferredoxin From Bacillus Thermoproteolyticus (Form I)
1ir0 (Fe: 4) - Oxidized [4FE-4S] Ferredoxin From Bacillus Thermoproteolyticus (Form II)
1irc (Fe: 1) - Cysteine Rich Intestinal Protein
1ird (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Carbonmonoxy-Haemoglobin at 1.25 A Resolution
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