Iron in PDB, part 52 (files: 2041-2080),
PDB 1y4r-1yeu
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 2041-2080 (PDB 1y4r-1yeu).
1y4r (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAF45A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y4t (Fe: 2) - Ferric Binding Protein From Campylobacter Jejuni
1y4v (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAC93A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y4z (Fe: 20) - The Crystal Structure of Nitrate Reductase A, Narghi, in Complex with the Q-Site Inhibitor Pentachlorophenol
Other atoms:
Mo (1);
Cl (5);
1y56 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of L-Proline Dehydrogenase From P.Horikoshii
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
1y5f (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAL96A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y5i (Fe: 21) - The Crystal Structure of the Narghi Mutant Nari-K86A
Other atoms:
Mo (1);
1y5j (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAH97A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y5k (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAD99A Deoxy Low-Salt (10 Test Sets)
1y5l (Fe: 20) - The Crystal Structure of the Narghi Mutant Nari-H66Y
Other atoms:
Mo (1);
1y5n (Fe: 21) - The Crystal Structure of the Narghi Mutant Nari-K86A in Complex with Pentachlorophenol
Other atoms:
Mo (1);
Cl (5);
1y67 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase From Deinococcus Radiodurans
1y7c (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAP100A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y7d (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAP100G Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y7g (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAN102A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y7z (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAN108A Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y83 (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAY145G Deoxy Low-Salt (1 Test Set)
1y85 (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: DESHIS146BETA Deoxy Low-Salt
1y8h (Fe: 4) - Horse Methemoglobin Low Salt, pH 7.0
1y8i (Fe: 4) - Horse Methemoglobin Low Salt, pH 7.0 (98% Relative Humidity)
1y8k (Fe: 4) - Horse Methemoglobin Low Salt, pH 7.0 (88% Relative Humidity)
1y8w (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: ALPHAR92A Oxy (2MM Ihp, 20% Peg) (10 Test Sets)
1yca (Fe: 2) - Distal Pocket Polarity in Ligand Binding to Myoglobin: Deoxy and Carbonmonoxy Forms of A THREONINE68 (E11) Mutant Investigated By X-Ray Crystallography and Infrared Spectroscopy
1ycb (Fe: 2) - Distal Pocket Polarity in Ligand Binding to Myoglobin: Deoxy and Carbonmonoxy Forms of A THREONINE68 (E11) Mutant Investigated By X-Ray Crystallography and Infrared Spectroscopy
1ycc (Fe: 1) - High-Resolution Refinement of Yeast Iso-1-Cytochrome C and Comparisons with Other Eukaryotic Cytochromes C
1ycf (Fe: 8) - Oxidized (Di-Ferric) Fpra From Moorella Thermoacetica
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
1ycg (Fe: 8) - X-Ray Structures of Moorella Thermoacetica Fpra. Novel Diiron Site Structure and Mechanistic Insights Into A Scavenging Nitric Oxide Reductase
Other atoms:
Zn (14);
1ych (Fe: 8) - X-Ray Crystal Structures of Moorella Thermoacetica Fpra. Novel Diiron Site Structure and Mechanistic Insights Into A Scavenging Nitric Oxide Reductase
Other atoms:
Zn (8);
1yci (Fe: 1) - Factor Inhibiting Hif-1 Alpha in Complex with N- (Carboxycarbonyl)-D-Phenylalanine
1ydz (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: ALPHAY140F Oxy (2MM Ihp, 20% Peg) (1 Test Set)
1ye0 (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAV33A Oxy (2MM Ihp, 20% Peg) (1 Test Set)
1ye1 (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAY35A Oxy (2MM Ihp, 20% Peg) (1 Test Set)
1ye2 (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAY35F Oxy (2MM Ihp, 20% Peg) (1 Test Set)
1ye9 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Proteolytically Truncated Catalase Hpii From E. Coli
1yea (Fe: 1) - Structure Determination and Analysis of Yeast Iso-2- Cytochrome C and A Composite Mutant Protein
1yeb (Fe: 1) - Structure Determination and Analysis of Yeast Iso-2- Cytochrome C and A Composite Mutant Protein
1yen (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAP36A Oxy (2MM Ihp, 20% Peg) (10 Test Sets)
1yeo (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAW37A Oxy (10 Test Sets)
1yeq (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAW37Y Oxy (10 Test Sets)
1yeu (Fe: 4) - T-to-T(High) Quaternary Transitions in Human Hemoglobin: BETAW37G Oxy (10 Test Sets)
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:07:37 2025