Iron in PDB, part 39 (files: 1521-1560),
PDB 1q5e-1qom
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 1521-1560 (PDB 1q5e-1qom).
1q5e (Fe: 1) - Substrate-Free Cytochrome P450EPOK
1q90 (Fe: 6) - Structure of the Cytochrome B6F (Plastohydroquinone : Plastocyanin Oxidoreductase) From Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
1q9i (Fe: 4) - The A251C:S430C Double Mutant of Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidimarina
Other atoms:
Na (1);
1qcr (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Bovine Mitochondrial Cytochrome BC1 Complex, Alpha Carbon Atoms Only
1qdb (Fe: 15) - Cytochrome C Nitrite Reductase
Other atoms:
Ca (3);
1qf7 (Fe: 4) - Structure of the Mutant HIS392GLN of Catalase Hpii From E. Coli
1qfc (Fe: 2) - Structure of Rat Purple Acid Phosphatase
1qff (Fe: 1) - E. Coli Ferric Hydroxamate Uptake Receptor (Fhua) in Complex with Bound Ferrichrome-Iron
1qgh (Fe: 12) - The X-Ray Structure of the Unusual Dodecameric Ferritin From Listeria Innocua, Reveals A Novel Intersubunit Iron Binding Site.
1qgj (Fe: 2) - Arabidopsis Thaliana Peroxidase N
Other atoms:
Ca (4);
1qgu (Fe: 30) - Nitrogenase Mo-Fe Protein From Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Dithionite-Reduced State
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
Mg (7);
Cl (2);
1qh1 (Fe: 30) - Nitrogenase Mofe Protein From Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Phenosafranin Oxidized State
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
Mg (7);
Cl (2);
1qh8 (Fe: 34) - Nitrogenase Mofe Protein From Klebsiella Pneumoniae, As- Crystallized (Mixed Oxidation) State
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
Mg (7);
Cl (2);
1qhu (Fe: 1) - Mammalian Blood Serum Haemopexin Deglycosylated and in Complex with Its Ligand Haem
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Na (4);
1qhw (Fe: 2) - Purple Acid Phosphatase From Rat Bone
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
1qi8 (Fe: 4) - Deoxygenated Structure of A Distal Pocket Hemoglobin Mutant
1qiq (Fe: 1) - Isopenicillin N Synthase From Aspergillus Nidulans (Acmc Fe Complex)
1qjd (Fe: 4) - Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidimarina
Other atoms:
Na (1);
1qje (Fe: 1) - Isopenicillin N Synthase From Aspergillus Nidulans (IP1 - Fe Complex)
1qjf (Fe: 1) - Isopenicillin N Synthase From Aspergillus Nidulans (Monocyclic Sulfoxide - Fe Complex)
1qjq (Fe: 1) - Ferric Hydroxamate Receptor From Escherichia Coli (Fhua)
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
1qjs (Fe: 2) - Mammalian Blood Serum Haemopexin Glycosylated-Native Protein and in Complex with Its Ligand Haem
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
Na (8);
1qkc (Fe: 1) - Escherichia Coli Ferric Hydroxamate Uptake Receptor (Fhua) in Complex Delta Two-Albomycin
Other atoms:
Ni (1);
1qks (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome CD1 Nitrite Reductase, Oxidised Form
1ql3 (Fe: 4) - Structure of the Soluble Domain of Cytochrome C552 From Paracoccus Denitrificans in the Reduced State
1ql4 (Fe: 4) - Structure of the Soluble Domain of Cytochrome C552 From Paracoccus Denitrificans in the Oxidised State
1qlb (Fe: 22) - Respiratory Complex II-Like Fumarate Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
1qle (Fe: 2) - Cryo-Structure of the Paracoccus Denitrificans Four-Subunit Cytochrome C Oxidase in the Completely Oxidized State Complexed with An Antibody Fv Fragment
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
Cu (3);
Ca (1);
1qmq (Fe: 1) - Optical Detection of Cytochrome P450 By Sensitizer-Linked Substrates
Other atoms:
Ru (2);
1qn0 (Fe: 80) - Solution Structure of Desulfovibrio Gigas Ferrocytochrome C3, uc(Nmr), 20 Structures
1qn1 (Fe: 60) - Solution Structure of Desulfovibrio Gigas Ferricytochrome C3, uc(Nmr), 15 Structures
1qn2 (Fe: 3) - Cytochrome Ch From Methylobacterium Extorquens
1qnn (Fe: 4) - Cambialistic Superoxide Dismutase From Porphyromonas Gingivalis
1qo4 (Fe: 1) - Arabidopsis Thaliana Peroxidase A2 at Room Temperature
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
1qo8 (Fe: 8) - The Structure of the Open Conformation of A Flavocytochrome C3 Fumarate Reductase
1qoa (Fe: 4) - Ferredoxin Mutation C49S
1qob (Fe: 4) - Ferredoxin Mutation D62K
1qof (Fe: 4) - Ferredoxin Mutation Q70K
1qog (Fe: 4) - Ferredoxin Mutation S47A
1qom (Fe: 2) - Murine Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Oxygenase Dimer (Delta 65) with Swapped N-Terminal Hook
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:07:07 2025