Iron in PDB, part 27 (files: 1041-1080),
PDB 1kqj-1lfg
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 1041-1080 (PDB 1kqj-1lfg).
1kqj (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Mutant of Muty Catalytic Domain
1kr7 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Nerve Tissue Mini-Hemoglobin From the Nemertean Worm Cerebratulus Lacteus
1krh (Fe: 4) - X-Ray Stucture of Benzoate Dioxygenase Reductase
1krj (Fe: 1) - Engineering Calcium-Binding Site Into Cytochrome C Peroxidase (Ccp)
Other atoms:
K (1);
1kss (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of HIS505ALA Mutant Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidimarina
Other atoms:
Na (1);
1ksu (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of HIS505TYR Mutant Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidimarina
Other atoms:
Na (2);
1kv9 (Fe: 1) - Structure at 1.9 A Resolution of A Quinohemoprotein Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Putida HK5
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
1kw0 (Fe: 1) - Catalytic Domain of Human Phenylalanine Hydroxylase (Fe(II) ) in Complex with Tetrahydrobiopterin and Thienylalanine
1kw3 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of 2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyal Dioxygenase (Bphc) at 1.45 A Resolution
1kw6 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of 2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyl Dioxygenase (Bphc) in Complex with 2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyl at 1.45 A Resolution
1kw8 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Bphc-2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyl-No Complex
1kw9 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of 2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyl Dioxygenase (Bphc) in Complex with 2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyl at 2.0A Resolution
1kwj (Fe: 3) - Solution Structure Determination of the Fully Oxidized Double Mutant K9-10A Cytochrome C7 From Desulfuromonas Acetoxidans, Minimized Average Structure
1kx2 (Fe: 1) - Minimized Average Structure of A Mono-Heme Ferrocytochrome C From Shewanella Putrefaciens
1kx7 (Fe: 30) - Family of 30 Conformers of A Mono-Heme Ferrocytochrome C From Shewanella Putrefaciens Solved By uc(Nmr)
1kxm (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cytochrome C Peroxidase with A Proposed Electron Transfer Pathway Excised to Form A Ligand Binding Channel.
1kxn (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cytochrome C Peroxidase with A Proposed Electron Transfer Pathway Excised to Form A Ligand Binding Channel.
1kyo (Fe: 11) - Yeast Cytochrome BC1 Complex with Bound Substrate Cytochrome C
1kzm (Fe: 1) - Distal Heme Pocket Mutant (R38S/H42E) of Recombinant Horseradish Peroxidase C (Hrp C).
Other atoms:
As (1);
Ca (2);
1l0l (Fe: 5) - Structure of Bovine Mitochondrial Cytochrome BC1 Complex with A Bound Fungicide Famoxadone
1l0n (Fe: 5) - Native Structure of Bovine Mitochondrial Cytochrome BC1 Complex
1l0v (Fe: 18) - Quinol-Fumarate Reductase with Menaquinol Molecules
1l2k (Fe: 1) - Neutron Structure Determination of Sperm Whale Met- Myoglobin at 1.5A Resolution.
1l3o (Fe: 105) - Solution Structure Determination of the Fully Oxidized Double Mutant K9-10A Cytochrome C7 From Desulfuromonas Acetoxidans, Ensemble of 35 Structures
1l5h (Fe: 8) - Femo-Cofactor Deficient Nitrogenase Mofe Protein
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
1l5j (Fe: 6) - Crystal Structure of E. Coli Aconitase B.
1l5p (Fe: 6) - Crystal Structure of Trichomonas Vaginalis Ferredoxin
1l6m (Fe: 3) - Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Is A Novel Bacteriostatic Agent That Interferes with Siderophore- Mediated Iron Acquisition
1l6u (Fe: 20) - uc(Nmr) Structure of Oxidized Adrenodoxin
1l6v (Fe: 20) - Structure of Reduced Bovine Adrenodoxin
1l9b (Fe: 2) - X-Ray Structure of the Cytochrome-C(2)-Photosynthetic Reaction Center Electron Transfer Complex From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides in Type II Co-Crystals
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Cl (1);
Na (1);
1l9g (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Uracil-Dna Glycosylase From T. Maritima
1l9j (Fe: 4) - X-Ray Structure of the Cytochrome-C(2)-Photosynthetic Reaction Center Electron Transfer Complex From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides in Type I Co-Crystals
Other atoms:
Mg (8);
Cl (2);
1la6 (Fe: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Trematomus Newnesi Hemoglobin in A Partial Hemichrome State
1lc1 (Fe: 1) - Solution Structure of Reduced Horse Heart Cytochrome C in 30% Acetonitrile Solution, uc(Nmr) Minimized Average Structure
1lc2 (Fe: 30) - Solution Structure of Reduced Horse Heart Cytochrome C in 30% Acetonitrile Solution, uc(Nmr) 30 Structures
1lco (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Two Complexes of the Y143F Flavocytochrome B2 Mutant Crystallized in the Presence of Lactate or Phenyl-Lactate
1lct (Fe: 1) - Structure of the Recombinant N-Terminal Lobe of Human Lactoferrin at 2.0 Angstroms Resolution
1ldc (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Two Complexes of the Y143F Flavocytochrome B2 Mutant Crystallized in the Presence of Lactate or Phenyl-Lactate
1lfg (Fe: 2) - Molecular Replacement Solution of the Structure of Apolactoferrin, A Protein Displaying Large-Scale Conformational Change
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