Atomistry » Iron » PDB 1fnq-1fz1
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Iron in PDB, part 16 (files: 601-640), PDB 1fnq-1fz1

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 601-640 (PDB 1fnq-1fz1).
  1. 1fnq (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure Analysis of the Mutant Reaction Center Pro L209-> Glu From the Photosynthetic Purple Bacterium Rhodobacter Sphaeroides
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  2. 1fo4 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Xanthine Dehydrogenase Isolated From Bovine Milk
    Other atoms: Mo (2); Ca (2);
  3. 1foc (Fe: 2) - Cytochrome C557: Improperly Folded Thermus Thermophilus C552
  4. 1foi (Fe: 2) - Bovine Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Heme Domain Complexed with 1400W(H4B-Free)
    Other atoms: As (2); Zn (1);
  5. 1foj (Fe: 2) - Bovine Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Heme Domain Complexed with 7-Nitroindazole-2-Carboxamidine (H4B Present)
    Other atoms: As (2); Zn (1);
  6. 1fol (Fe: 2) - Reduced Bovine Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Heme Domain Complexed with L-Arg(H4B-Free)
    Other atoms: As (2); Zn (1);
  7. 1foo (Fe: 2) - Bovine Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Heme Domain Complexed with L-Arg and No(H4B-Free)
    Other atoms: As (2); Zn (1);
  8. 1fop (Fe: 2) - Bovine Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Heme Domain Complexed with L-Arg and No(H4B-Bound)
    Other atoms: As (2); Zn (1);
  9. 1fp4 (Fe: 30) - Crystal Structure of the Alpha-H195Q Mutant of Nitrogenase
    Other atoms: Mo (2); Ca (2);
  10. 1fp6 (Fe: 8) - The Nitrogenase Fe Protein From Azotobacter Vinelandii Complexed with Mgadp
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  11. 1fqe (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structures of Mutant (K206A) That Abolish the Dilysine Interaction in the N-Lobe of Human Transferrin
    Other atoms: K (1);
  12. 1fqf (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structures of Mutant (K296A) That Abolish the Dilysine Interaction in the N-Lobe of Human Transferrin
  13. 1fqt (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Rieske-Type Ferredoxin Associated with Biphenyl Dioxygenase
  14. 1frd (Fe: 2) - Molecular Structure of the Oxidized, Recombinant, Heterocyst (2FE-2S) Ferredoxin From Anabaena 7120 Determined to 1.7 Angstroms Resolution
  15. 1frf (Fe: 12) - Crystal Structure of the Ni-Fe Hydrogenase From Desulfovibrio Fructosovorans
    Other atoms: Ni (1); Mg (1);
  16. 1frh (Fe: 7) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Ferredoxin I: Alteration of Individual Surface Charges and the [4FE-4S] Cluster Reduction Potential
  17. 1fri (Fe: 7) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Ferredoxin I: Alteration of Individual Surface Charges and the [4FE-4S] Cluster Reduction Potential
  18. 1frj (Fe: 7) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Ferredoxin I: Alteration of Individual Surface Charges and the [4FE-4S] Cluster Reduction Potential
  19. 1frk (Fe: 7) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Ferredoxin I: Alteration of Individual Surface Charges and the [4FE-4S] Cluster Reduction Potential
  20. 1frl (Fe: 7) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Ferredoxin I: Alteration of Individual Surface Charges and the [4FE-4S] Cluster Reduction Potential
  21. 1frm (Fe: 7) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Ferredoxin I: Alteration of Individual Surface Charges and the [4FE-4S] Cluster Reduction Potential
  22. 1frr (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of [2FE-2S] Ferredoxin I From Equisetum Arvense at 1.8 Angstroms Resolution
  23. 1frv (Fe: 24) - Crystal Structure of the Oxidized Form of Ni-Fe Hydrogenase
    Other atoms: Ni (2);
  24. 1frx (Fe: 7) - Structure and Properties of C20S Fdi Mutant
  25. 1fs7 (Fe: 5) - Cytochrome C Nitrite Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes
    Other atoms: Y (3); Ca (1);
  26. 1fs8 (Fe: 5) - Cytochrome C Nitrite Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes- Sulfate Complex
    Other atoms: Y (4); Ca (1);
  27. 1fs9 (Fe: 5) - Cytochrome C Nitrite Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes- Azide Complex
    Other atoms: Y (3); Ca (1);
  28. 1fsl (Fe: 2) - Ferric Soybean Leghemoglobin Complexed with Nicotinate
  29. 1fsx (Fe: 4) - The X-Ray Structure Determination of Bovine Carbonmonoxy Hb at 2.1 A Resolution and Its Relationship to the Quaternary Structure of Other Hb Crystal Forms
  30. 1ft5 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Oxidized State of Cytochrome C554 From Nitrosomonas Europaea
  31. 1ft6 (Fe: 4) - Reduced State of Cytochrome C554 From Nitrosomonas Europaea
  32. 1ft9 (Fe: 2) - Structure of the Reduced (Feii) Co-Sensing Protein From R. Rubrum
  33. 1ftc (Fe: 14) - Y13C Mutant of Azotobacter Vinelandii Fdi
  34. 1fxa (Fe: 4) - Crystallization and Structure Determination to 2.5- Angstroms Resolution of the Oxidized [2FE-2S] Ferredoxin Isolated From Anabaena 7120
  35. 1fxd (Fe: 3) - Refined Crystal Structure of Ferredoxin II From Desulfovibrio Gigas at 1.7 Angstroms
  36. 1fxi (Fe: 8) - Structure of the [2FE-2S] Ferredoxin I From the Blue-Green Alga Aphanothece Sacrum at 2.2 Angstroms Resolution
  37. 1fxr (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Ferredoxin I From Desulfovibrio Africanus at 2.3 Angstroms Resolution
  38. 1fyz (Fe: 4) - Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase, Form II Reduced By Soaking
    Other atoms: Ca (3);
  39. 1fz0 (Fe: 4) - Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase, Form II Mixed-Valent Grown Anaerobically
    Other atoms: Ca (3);
  40. 1fz1 (Fe: 4) - Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase, Form III Oxidized
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:06:14 2025

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