Atomistry » Iron » PDB 5g6f-5h8y
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Iron in PDB, part 177 (files: 7041-7080), PDB 5g6f-5h8y

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 7041-7080 (PDB 5g6f-5h8y).
  1. 5g6f (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-(((3-((Dimethylamino)Methyl)Phenyl)Amino)Methyl) Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  2. 5g6g (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-((2-((Methylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  3. 5g6h (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-((3-(Methylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  4. 5g6i (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase I218V in Complex with 7-((3-(Methylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  5. 5g6j (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-((3-(2-(Methylamino)Ethyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2- Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  6. 5g6k (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase I218V in Complex with 7-((3-(2-(Methylamino)Ethyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2- Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  7. 5g6l (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-((4-Chloro-3-((Methylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl) Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  8. 5g6m (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-((3-Aminomethyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  9. 5g6n (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-((4-(Dimethylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2- Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  10. 5g6o (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with Two Molecules of 7-((4-(Dimethylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin- 2- Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  11. 5g6p (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase I218V in Complex with 7-((4-(Dimethylamino)Methyl)Phenoxy)Methyl)Quinolin-2- Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  12. 5g6q (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Nitric Oxide Synthase in Complex with 7-(((5-((Methylamino)Methyl)Pyridin-3-Yl)Oxy)Methyl) Quinolin-2-Amine
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  13. 5gep (Fe: 5) - Sulfite Reductase Hemoprotein Carbon Monoxide Complex Reduced with Crii Edta
    Other atoms: K (1);
  14. 5ggx (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of FE3+ - Desferal Bound Siderophore Binding Protein Fhud From Vibrio Cholerae
  15. 5gh0 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Complex of Bovine Lactoperoxidase with Mercaptoimidazole at 2.3 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  16. 5gix (Fe: 2) - Human Serum Albumin-Palmitic Acid-Fe(HN3PIT)CL2
  17. 5gj3 (Fe: 2) - Periplasmic Heme-Binding Protein Rhut From Roseiflexus Sp. Rs-1 in Two-Heme Bound Form (Holo-2)
    Other atoms: Zn (4);
  18. 5gkn (Fe: 4) - Catalase Structure Determined By Electron Crystallography of Thin 3D Crystals
  19. 5gls (Fe: 1) - Structure of Bovine Lactoperoxidase with A Partially Modified Covalent Bond with Heme Moiety
    Other atoms: I (18); Ca (1);
  20. 5gn7 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Alternative Oxidase From Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Complexed with Cumarin Derivative-17
  21. 5gn9 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Alternative Oxidase From Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Complexed with Cumarin Derivative-17B
  22. 5gnl (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome P450 Vdh (CYP107BR1) F106V Mutant
  23. 5gnm (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome P450 Vdh (CYP107BR1) L348M Mutant
  24. 5gt2 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure and Biochemical Features of Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase Yfex From Escherichia Coli O157
  25. 5gth (Fe: 6) - Native Xfel Structure of Photosystem II (Dark Dataset)
    Other atoms: Mg (72); Mn (8); Ca (8); Cl (4);
  26. 5gti (Fe: 6) - Native Xfel Structure of Photosystem II (Two Flash Dataset)
    Other atoms: Mg (72); Mn (8); Ca (9); Cl (4);
  27. 5guw (Fe: 12) - Complex of Cytochrome CD1 Nitrite Reductase and Nitric Oxide Reductase in Denitrification of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Ca (2);
  28. 5gux (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome C-Dependent Nitric Oxide Reductase (Cnor) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Xenon
    Other atoms: Xe (7); Ca (1);
  29. 5gwe (Fe: 4) - Cytochrome P450 Crej
  30. 5gxg (Fe: 3) - High-Resolution Crystal Structure of the Electron Transfer Complex of Cytochrome P450CAM with Putidaredoxin
  31. 5gyr (Fe: 8) - Tetrameric Allochromatium Vinosum Cytochrome C'
  32. 5h1z (Fe: 1) - CYP153D17 From Sphingomonas Sp. Pamc 26605
  33. 5h2f (Fe: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Psbm-Deletion Mutant of Photosystem II
    Other atoms: Mg (74); Mn (8); Ca (7); Cl (4);
  34. 5h46 (Fe: 3) - Mycobacterium Smegmatis DPS1 Mutant - F47E
  35. 5h57 (Fe: 12) - Ferredoxin III From Maize Root
  36. 5h5j (Fe: 2) - Complex Between Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-Nadp+ Reductase From Maize Root
  37. 5h8c (Fe: 4) - Truncated Xpd
  38. 5h8v (Fe: 10) - Crystal Structure of the Complex Between Maize Sulfite Reductase and Ferredoxin in the Form-1 Crystal
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  39. 5h8w (Fe: 4) - Xpd Mechanism
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  40. 5h8y (Fe: 24) - Crystal Structure of the Complex Between Maize Sulfite Reductase and Ferredoxin in the Form-2 Crystal
    Other atoms: Mg (4); Cl (4);
Page generated: Sun Dec 15 10:38:50 2024

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