Iron in PDB, part 204 (files: 8121-8160),
PDB 6cxv-6dhz
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 8121-8160 (PDB 6cxv-6dhz).
6cxv (Fe: 2) - Structure of the S167H Mutant of Human Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase in Complex with Tryptophan and Cyanide
6cyj (Fe: 8) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Transcriptional Regulator
6cyp (Fe: 6) - Crystal Structure Analysis of the H75I Mutant of Superoxide Dismutase From Trichoderma Reesei
6cys (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure Analysis of the D150G Mutant of Superoxide Dismutase From Trichoderma Reesei
6cyy (Fe: 8) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Transcriptional Regulator
6cz6 (Fe: 16) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Transcriptional Regulator
6cz7 (Fe: 40) - The Arsenate Respiratory Reductase (Arr) Complex From Shewanella Sp. Ana-3
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
6cz8 (Fe: 40) - The Arsenate Respiratory Reductase (Arr) Complex From Shewanella Sp. Ana-3 Bound to Arsenate
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
As (4);
6cz9 (Fe: 40) - The Arsenate Respiratory Reductase (Arr) Complex From Shewanella Sp. Ana-3 Bound to Arsenite
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
As (2);
6cza (Fe: 40) - The Arsenate Respiratory Reductase (Arr) Complex From Shewanella Sp. Ana-3 Bound to Phosphate
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
6d03 (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of A Plasmodium Vivax Invasion Complex Essential For Entry Into Human Reticulocytes; One Molecule of Parasite Ligand.
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
6d04 (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of A Plasmodium Vivax Invasion Complex Essential For Entry Into Human Reticulocytes; Two Molecules of Parasite Ligand, Subclass 1.
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
6d05 (Fe: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of A Plasmodium Vivax Invasion Complex Essential For Entry Into Human Reticulocytes; Two Molecules of Parasite Ligand, Subclass 2.
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
6d45 (Fe: 1) - L89S Mutant of Febmb Sperm Whale Myoglobin
6d60 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of 3-Hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-Dioxygenase I142P From Cupriavidus Metallidurans
6d61 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of 3-Hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-Dioxygenase I142P From Cupriavidus Metallidurans in Complex with 4-Cl-3-Haa
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
6d62 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of 3-Hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-Dioxygenase I142P From Cupriavidus Metallidurans in Complex with 3-Haa
6d7k (Fe: 4) - Complex Structure of Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase in Complex with Inhibitory Subunit
6d9f (Fe: 4) - Protein 60 with Aldehyde Deformylating Oxidase Activity From Kitasatospora Setae
6da2 (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6da3 (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6da5 (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6da8 (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6daa (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6dab (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6dac (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6dag (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6daj (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6dal (Fe: 1) - Human CYP3A4 Bound to An Inhibitor
6daw (Fe: 2) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Napi L-Arginine Desaturase Bound to Fe(II), L-Arginine, and Acetate
6dax (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Vioc Bound to Fe(II), L-Homoarginine, and 2-Oxoglutarate
6daz (Fe: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Vioc Bound to Fe(II), 3S-Hydroxy-L- Homoarginine, and Succinate
6dc2 (Fe: 40) - Crystal Structure of Desulfovibrio Vulgaris Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase C301S Variant
Other atoms:
Mg (5);
6dcd (Fe: 1) - Mycobacterium Marinum Cytochrome P450 CYP150A6 in the Substrate-Free Form
6dd6 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Bacterial (6-4) Photolyase Phrb From in Situ Serial Laue Diffraction
6de6 (Fe: 8) - 2.1 A Resolution Structure of Histamine Dehydrogenase From Rhizobium Sp. 4-9
6de9 (Fe: 2) - Mitoneet Bound to Furosemide
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
6dhw (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Primase Iron-Sulfur Domain (266-457)
6dhy (Fe: 4) - Crystallogrpahic Tetramer of Zn-Bound RIDC1 Variant Bearing Two Disulfide Bonded Cysteines
Other atoms:
Ca (3);
Zn (10);
6dhz (Fe: 4) - Crystallographic Octamer of A Metal-Free RIDC1 Variant Bearing Two Disulfide Bonded Cysteines
Other atoms:
Ca (7);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:13:25 2025