Atomistry » Iron » PDB 3vtj-3wg7
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Iron in PDB, part 126 (files: 5001-5040), PDB 3vtj-3wg7

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Iron atoms. PDB files: 5001-5040 (PDB 3vtj-3wg7).
  1. 3vtj (Fe: 1) - Cytochrome P450SP Alpha (CYP152B1) Mutant A245H
  2. 3vtn (Fe: 1) - The Crystal Structure of the C-Terminal Domain of Mu Phage Central Spike - Pt Derivative For Mad
    Other atoms: Pt (1);
  3. 3vto (Fe: 2) - The Crystal Structure of the C-Terminal Domain of Mu Phage Central Spike
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Ca (2);
  4. 3vu3 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Hfq and Catalase Hpii Complex
  5. 3vv9 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Cyanide-Insensitive Alternative Oxidase From Trypanosoma Brucei
  6. 3vva (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Cyanide-Insensitive Alternative Oxidase From Trypanosoma Brucei with Ascofuranone Derivative
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  7. 3vxi (Fe: 1) - Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase (Dyp) Complex with Ascorbic Acid
  8. 3vxj (Fe: 1) - Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase (Dyp) Complex with 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol
  9. 3vym (Fe: 1) - Dimeric Hydrogenobacter Thermophilus Cytochrome C552
  10. 3vyr (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Hypc-Hypd Complex
  11. 3vys (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Hypc-Hypd-Hype Complex (Form I)
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  12. 3vyt (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Hypc-Hypd-Hype Complex (Form I Inward)
    Other atoms: Mg (5); Cl (1);
  13. 3vyu (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Hypc-Hypd-Hype Complex (Form II)
  14. 3w08 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Nitrile-Synthesizing Enzyme
  15. 3w1w (Fe: 4) - Protein-Drug Complex
  16. 3w4u (Fe: 6) - Human Zeta-2 Beta-2-S Hemoglobin
  17. 3w54 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Cyanide-Insensitive Alternative Oxidase From Trypanosoma Brucei with Colletochlorin B
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  18. 3w5u (Fe: 8) - Cross-Linked Complex Between Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-Nadp+ Reductase
  19. 3w5v (Fe: 4) - Cross-Linked Complex Between Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-Nadp+ Reductase
  20. 3w8m (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with Iron Salophen
  21. 3w8o (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with Iron Phthalocyanine
  22. 3w9c (Fe: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Electron Transfer Complex of Cytochrome P450CAM with Putidaredoxin
  23. 3wae (Fe: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Fe(III)-Bicarbonates-Ttfbpa, A Ferric Ion-Binding Protein From Thermus Thermophilus HB8
  24. 3wah (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hasap with Iron Mesoporphyrinix
  25. 3waq (Fe: 2) - Hemerythrin-Like Domain of Dcrh I119E Mutant (Met)
  26. 3wc8 (Fe: 1) - Dimeric Horse Cytochrome C Obtained By Refolding with Desalting Method
  27. 3wcp (Fe: 4) - Deoxyhemoglobin Sh-Drug Complex
  28. 3wcq (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Cyanidioschyzon Melorae Ferredoxin D58N Mutant
  29. 3wct (Fe: 8) - The Structure of A Deoxygenated 400 kDa Hemoglobin Provides A More Accurate Description of the Cooperative Mechanism of Giant Hemoglobins: Oxygenated Form
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  30. 3wcu (Fe: 8) - The Structure of A Deoxygenated 400 kDa Hemoglobin Provides A More Accurate Description of the Cooperative Mechanism of Giant Hemoglobins: Deoxygenated Form
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  31. 3wcv (Fe: 8) - The Structure of A Deoxygenated 400 kDa Hemoglobin Provides A More Accurate Description of the Cooperative Mechanism of Giant Hemoglobins: Ca Bound Form
    Other atoms: Ca (6);
  32. 3wcw (Fe: 8) - The Structure of A Deoxygenated 400 kDa Hemoglobin Provides A More Accurate Description of the Cooperative Mechanism of Giant Hemoglobins: Mg Bound Form
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  33. 3wec (Fe: 1) - Structure of P450 Raua (CYP1050A1) Complexed with A Biosynthetic Intermediate of Aurachin Re
  34. 3wfb (Fe: 4) - Reduced Cytochrome C-Dependent Nitric Oxide Reductase (Cnor) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Antibody Fragment
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Ca (1);
  35. 3wfc (Fe: 4) - Reduced and Carbonmonoxide-Bound Cytochrome C-Dependent Nitric Oxide Reductase (Cnor) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Antibody Fragment
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  36. 3wfd (Fe: 4) - Reduced and Acetaldoxime-Bound Cytochrome C-Dependent Nitric Oxide Reductase (Cnor) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Antibody Fragment
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  37. 3wfe (Fe: 4) - Reduced and Cyanide-Bound Cytochrome C-Dependent Nitric Oxide Reductase (Cnor) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Antibody Fragment
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  38. 3wfw (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Closed Form of the Hgbrl'S Globin Domain
  39. 3wfx (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Imidazole-Bound Form of the Hgbrl'S Globin Domain
  40. 3wg7 (Fe: 4) - A 1.9 Angstrom Radiation Damage Free X-Ray Structure of Large (420KDA) Protein By Femtosecond Crystallography
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2); Cu (6); Na (4);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:10:27 2025

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