Iron in PDB, part 43 (files: 1681-1720),
PDB 1sdl-1stq
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Iron (Fe) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Iron atoms. PDB files: 1681-1720 (PDB 1sdl-1stq).
1sdl (Fe: 4) - Cross-Linked, Carbonmonoxy Hemoglobin A
1sdq (Fe: 1) - Structure of Reduced-No Adduct of Mesopone Cytochrome C Peroxidase
1se6 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Coelicolor A3(2) CYP158A2 From Antibiotic Biosynthetic Pathways
1sh4 (Fe: 30) - Solution Structure of Oxidized Bovine Microsomal Cytochrome B5 Mutant V45H
1shr (Fe: 7) - Crystal Structure of Ferrocyanide Bound Human Hemoglobin A2 at 1.88A Resolution
1si0 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mannheimia Haemolytica Ferric Iron- Binding Protein A in A Closed Conformation
1si1 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mannheimia Haemolytica Ferric Iron- Binding Protein A in An Open Conformation
1si4 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human Hemoglobin A2 (in R2 State) at 2.2 A Resolution
1si6 (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cimex Nitrophorin Complex with Co
1si8 (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of E. Faecalis Catalase
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
1sij (Fe: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (A.K.A. Aor or Mop) of Desulfovibrio Gigas Covalently Bound to [ASO3]-
Other atoms:
Mo (1);
Mg (2);
As (1);
Cl (3);
1siw (Fe: 21) - Crystal Structure of the Apomolybdo-Narghi
1siz (Fe: 6) - Crystal Structure of the [FE3S4]-Ferredoxin From the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus Furiosus
Other atoms:
Co (4);
1sj1 (Fe: 6) - The 1.5 A Resolution Crystal Structure of [FE3S4]- Ferredoxin From the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus Furiosus
Other atoms:
Co (6);
1sj2 (Fe: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Catalase- Peroxidase
1sjg (Fe: 40) - Solution Structure of T4MOC, the Rieske Ferredoxin Component of the Toluene 4-Monooxygenase Complex
1sk7 (Fe: 1) - Structural Basis For Novel Delta-Regioselective Heme Oxygenation in the Opportunistic Pathogen Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
1smi (Fe: 2) - A Single Mutation of P450 BM3 Induces the Conformational Rearrangement Seen Upon Substrate-Binding in Wild-Type Enzyme
1smj (Fe: 4) - Structure of the A264E Mutant of Cytochrome P450 BM3 Complexed with Palmitoleate
1smm (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cp Rd L41A Mutant in Oxidized State
1smu (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cp Rd L41A Mutant in Reduced State 1 (Drop-Reduced)
1smw (Fe: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cp Rd L41A Mutant in Reduced State 2 (Soaked)
1sof (Fe: 20) - Crystal Structure of the Azotobacter Vinelandii Bacterioferritin at 2.6 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Mg (10);
Ba (2);
1sog (Fe: 1) - Cyrstal Structure of Cytochrome C Peroxidase Mutant: CCPK2M2
Other atoms:
K (1);
1sox (Fe: 2) - Sulfite Oxidase From Chicken Liver
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
1sp3 (Fe: 8) - Crystal Structure of Octaheme Cytochrome C From Shewanella Oneidensis
1sp8 (Fe: 4) - 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase
1sp9 (Fe: 2) - 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase
1spe (Fe: 1) - Sperm Whale Native Co Myoglobin at pH 4.0, Temp 4C
1spg (Fe: 2) - Carbonmonoxy Hemoglobin From the Teleost Fish Leiostomus Xanthurus
1sq3 (Fe: 36) - Crystal Structures of A Novel Open Pore Ferritin From the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Archaeoglobus Fulgidus.
1sqb (Fe: 5) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Bovine BC1 with Azoxystrobin
1sqd (Fe: 1) - Structural Basis For Inhibitor Selectivity Revealed By Crystal Structures of Plant and Mammalian 4- Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenases
1sqi (Fe: 4) - Structural Basis For Inhibitor Selectivity Revealed By Crystal Structures of Plant and Mammalian 4- Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenases
1sqp (Fe: 5) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Bovine BC1 with Myxothiazol
1sqq (Fe: 5) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Bovine BC1 with Methoxy Acrylate Stilbene (Moas)
1sqv (Fe: 5) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Bovine BC1 with Uhdbt
1sqx (Fe: 5) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Bovine BC1 with Stigmatellin A
1sqy (Fe: 2) - Structure of Human Diferric Lactoferrin at 2.5A Resolution Using Crystals Grown at pH 6.5
1stq (Fe: 1) - Cyrstal Structure of Cytochrome C Peroxidase Mutant: CCPK2M3
Other atoms:
K (1);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:07:16 2025